‘It’s Wrong To Hope He Dies, Right?’ Top Dem Strategist Attacks Lindsey Graham After COVID Diagnosis

 On Monday night, the chief strategist of the Rhode Island Democratic Party, Kate Coyne-McCoy, seemingly tweeted that she wanted Sen. Lindsey Graham to die from COVID-19, writing, “It’s wrong to hope he dies from COVID, right? Asking for a friend.”

Hours earlier, Graham had confirmed he had contracted COVID, tweeting, “I was just informed by the House physician I have tested positive for #COVID19 even after being vaccinated. I started having flu-like symptoms Saturday night and went to the doctor this morning.” He added, “I feel like I have a sinus infection and at present time I have mild symptoms. I will be quarantining for ten days. I am very glad I was vaccinated because without vaccination I am certain I would not feel as well as I do now. My symptoms would be far worse.”

Hours after her initial tweet, Coyne-McCoy, whom The Providence Journal described as “technically a state party consultant, she is considered the de facto party executive director,” wrote, “I made a mistake. I used poor judgement which I obviously regret.”

Rhode Island House GOP Minority Leader Blake Filippi, blasted, “If @rigopchairwoman or any RIGOP official were to say anything like this, I would immediately and publicly demand their resignation. Hoping my Democratic House colleagues do the right thing here.”

Coyne-McCoy’s attempt to apologize elicited harsh criticism on social media, with comments such as these: “‘I shouldn’t have verbalized the things I truly want in my heart’ is a weird way to say you’re sorry.” “POOR JUDGMENT when it’s from you… would you give that consideration to others if they were a conservative? (Asking for a friend..) I’m exhausted of the hatred in this world…” “No, you regret the backlash. You meant your words, there was no mistake.” “Maybe she didn’t truly mean it, but instead seized an opportunity to score points with the woke mob – disgusting either way.”

On her KCM Consulting website, it states that Coyne-McCoy is a “trained mental health professional”:

Coyne-McCoy is a skilled tactician with a soul that pushes for greater equality, inclusion and justice … Coyne-McCoy is a total utility player.  With expertise in electoral and issue campaigns, Kate is also a skilled lobbyist, coalition builder, organizer, and strategic planner.  A trained mental health professional and therapist Kate is adept at crisis management, and fire prevention (the political kind!) …Kate’s unique combination of skills: a social workers expertise in public policy, combined with political and electoral experience is a winning combination.

The Providence Journal noted of Coyne-McCoy, “She was hired to ‘modernize the party and position Democrats to win from the top to the bottom of the ballot,’ according to a March party news release titled ‘Rhode Island Democratic Party Charts New Course Political Consultant Kate Coyne-McCoy to lead.’”

Fox News noted, “Graham has been an advocate for the vaccines and received his jabs in December. He said during a visit this spring to the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston that ‘the sooner we get everybody vaccinated, the quicker we can get back to normal.’”

‘It’s Wrong To Hope He Dies, Right?’ Top Dem Strategist Attacks Lindsey Graham After COVID Diagnosis ‘It’s Wrong To Hope He Dies, Right?’ Top Dem Strategist Attacks Lindsey Graham After COVID Diagnosis Reviewed by Your Destination on August 03, 2021 Rating: 5