BREAKING: Federal Worker Blows Whistle On HHS Hospital Not Reporting Patients Suffering Adverse Reactions To COVID Jab: “This is evil at the highest level” [VIDEO]

 Whistleblower Jodi O’Malley is a fearless master’s prepared registered nurse. She teamed up with Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe to expose the truth about what she’s seen at the Pheonix Indian Medical Center, where she works.

In an undercover video, Dr. Maria Gonzalas, an ER doctor at Pheonix Indian Medical Center, an HHS (federal government) hospital, can be seen saying, “the darn vaccine is full of shit!” She also reveals that the HHS hospital is not reporting the patients they are treating with adverse side effects from the COVID vaccine.

James O’Keefe asked Ms. O’Malley, “Why are you choosing to blow the whistle?” asking her if she’s afraid? “I wouldn’t want to say I’m afraid,” she said, adding, “My faith lies in God and not man.” She explained that the reason she came forward is that one of her co-workers, who just came back from surgery and didn’t want to get the COVID vaccine due to religious objections, took it anyhow to keep her job and died shortly afterward.

In the video, Jodi O’Malley can be seen talking to a fellow registered nurse, Deanna Paris, who admits to O’Malley that the emergency room staff are seeing “a lot” of patients suffering from adverse events from the COVID vaccine, yet they are not reporting them. According to Deanna Paris, RN, the reports sent to the government’s adverse reaction to vaccine website (VAERS) reports take too long to fill out.

Jodi O’Malley can also be shown speaking with a pharmacist at the hospital who admits they are not allowing Ivermectin to be prescribed “under any circumstances for someone with COVID,” or they would lose their job.

“Right now, what is plaguing this country is the spirit of fear,” Ms. O’Malley said. “What kind of person would I be if I knew all of this? This is evil—this is evil at the highest level. You have the FDA, you have the DCD that are both supposed to be protecting us, but they are under the government,” she said.

“Are you afraid they’re going to retaliate against you?” O’Keefe asked. “Yeah— I’m a federal employee. How many other federal workers do you see coming out?” she asked.



The video above was first posted on James O’Keefe’s Instagram account. Facebook owned Instagram has already banned the video from their platform because according to O’Keefe, the recording was taken inside the HHS.

BREAKING: Federal Worker Blows Whistle On HHS Hospital Not Reporting Patients Suffering Adverse Reactions To COVID Jab: “This is evil at the highest level” [VIDEO] BREAKING: Federal Worker Blows Whistle On HHS Hospital Not Reporting Patients Suffering Adverse Reactions To COVID Jab: “This is evil at the highest level” [VIDEO] Reviewed by Your Destination on September 22, 2021 Rating: 5

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