South Africa Farmer Couple Tortured for Four Hours, Survive
A farmer couple was brutally tortured for four hours in the latest horrific farm attack in South Africa, IOL reports. The attack took place on the night of September 8, at 8 pm local time, in Kortfontein, between Koster and Derby in the North West province.
Chris Barnard and his wife Hesta were overpowered in their home by three attackers, severely assaulted and tortured. Chris was beaten with a wrench and a whip, his wife Hesta was burnt with a hot iron and also badly assaulted. The attackers also cut off her hair with a knife.
The attackers ransacked the home while brutalizing the couple for four hours before fleeing with the couple’s pick-up truck. Chris and Hesta were admitted to hospital with severe injuries, South Africa Today reports.
On Sunday, September 5, at 6:30 pm, three armed attackers invaded the home of Werner (55) and Estelle Buchner on their dairy farm near Nanaga in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa.
Buchner was shot in the back, his son Werner Buchner Junior was shot and wounded. Mrs. Estelle Buchner, who attempted to protect her husband and son, was severely beaten resulting in serious injuries, including two broken arms, according to South Africa Today.
In August, there were 26 farm attacks and 9 farm murders in South Africa. January-August 2021 saw 191 farm attacks and 33 murders.
Crime has skyrocketed this year in South Africa despite widespread lockdowns, with 5760 murders between April and June, up by 2294 from the same period last year. At least 330 people were killed during the widespread looting in KwaZulu Natal Province in July alone
At a ceremony on September 4, 37 new crosses were added to the „White Cross Monument“ near Pietersburg, commemorating farmers killed in 2020 and 2021. The White Cross Monument is a memorial site for victims that were raped, tortured and murdered in South Africa over the past 18 years.
Photos: South Africa Today