Indiana Business Offering Pole Dancing Classes for Children as Young as SEVEN
An Indiana business is offering pole dancing lessons for children as young as seven-years-old.
The business, Tiffs Pole Fitness Inc., claims that pole dancing is not just for strippers, but is now an “international sport.”
A disturbing flyer for the classes features a likeness of Disney’s Rapunzel hanging upside down on a pole in what appears to be lingerie.
The owner, Tiffany Huebner, says that children must wear “mid/short shorts” and a tank top to the classes.
In a Facebook post, Huebner wrote “thank you to those who have shown your support for my Kids Pole Classes! I know that it’s going to take time for everyone to drop the stigma of “it’s a stripper pole” & understand that pole is an international sport now. I have patience & hope for our future generations of pole olympians & want to share an example with the public of what an international pole sport competition for kids looks like.”
They included a video of a nine year old pole dancing in a bikini.
“It is an excellent combination of dance & gymnastics 💕 Teenagers & adults can be taught is this same style in my pole sport classes…& we also have flirty flow for adults who want* to learn a sensual style of pole, but the 2 styles are kept separate & age appropriate,” the post continued.
The instructor also invited people to “stop by” and “check it out.”
A post on the Facebook page for Tiff’s Pole Fitness says that they have deleted posts “because the shares and views have extended far beyond our community & area. I didn’t anticipate that it would begin to go viral & I want to protect the privacy of my students & our small community.”