Austrian Police Conduct Random Vaccination Checks of Shoppers Following Mandatory Lockdown For Unvaccinated [VIDEO]

 In Austria, approximately 2 million unvaccinated citizens have been forced into lockdown following a Covid surge. The Austrian police are now conducting random checks on citizens in shops to make sure they have been vaccinated.

They are seen in the video below stopping shoppers and requiring that they show proof of vaccination before being allowed to carry on.

Police are also carrying out roadside spot checks and demanding drivers provide their vaccine passports.


Those who have not received the Covid vaccine are prohibited from leaving their homes. If someone is caught breaking lockdown restrictions, they can be fined from $566 to $4077.

Austrian Police Conduct Random Vaccination Checks of Shoppers Following Mandatory Lockdown For Unvaccinated [VIDEO] Austrian Police Conduct Random Vaccination Checks of Shoppers Following Mandatory Lockdown For Unvaccinated [VIDEO] Reviewed by Your Destination on November 17, 2021 Rating: 5