McCarthy Slams Biden’s Build Back Better — ‘Big Government Socialism Isn’t Working’


During an appearance on this week’s broadcast of Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Morning Futures,” House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) tore into President Joe Biden’s so-called Build Back Better agenda.

McCarthy, who broke the filibuster record last week highlighting his issues with the president’s spending package, argued that the Democrats’ “big government socialism isn’t working.”

“[W]hat we really found, Maria, with one-party rule in one year, this big government socialism isn’t working,” McCarthy outlined. “It isn’t working when we have the highest inflation in 31 years; these gas prices, when this big government cripples American energy industry but bags OPEC and Russia to produce more; when our military is focused on wokeism instead of defeating and winning war and keeping up with China; or if you watched our attorney general now in a big government socialism, turns and goes after parents, and if you listen to the Ways and Means chairman, he praised, and he said we need to build up bigger bureaucracy. That’s what this bill is about. And that’s what drove me to keep talking — so the American people could understand what’s in it.”

“This bill, if it passes the Senate, won’t be the same. It’s going to come back to the House. We can defeat it,” he added.

McCarthy Slams Biden’s Build Back Better — ‘Big Government Socialism Isn’t Working’ McCarthy Slams Biden’s Build Back Better — ‘Big Government Socialism Isn’t Working’ Reviewed by Your Destination on November 22, 2021 Rating: 5