OUTRAGEOUS! After Massive GOP Interest – Madison, Wisconsin Election Officials Are Now Requiring All Poll Workers Be Vaccinated for Upcoming Election


With only two weeks before the list of workers is due to the county, the Madison Wisconsin election officials notified Republicans in Dane County (where Madison, WI is located) that all poll workers in the county must be vaccinated. 

Each year the political parties are eligible to provide a list of workers to Dane County of those individuals willing to work in the upcoming elections over the next couple years.  Per a discussion with one of the workers, normally the list from the Republican Party contains around 40 individuals.  This year the list of workers from the Republican Party is between 200 and 400 concerned citizens.  After the due date (November 30) the government can pick its own workers.

This past week on Monday, with only 2 weeks before the due date at the end of the month, the county notified the Republican Party that all poll workers will be required to be vaccinated.

Republican workers in the county are outraged.  They ask how it is that the election workers must be vaccinated but those voting don’t have to be.  They also point out it seems illegal for the City of Madison to set different rules for being a poll worker than what the Legislature has passed.  Others believe that this was a direct attack on Republicans in the county.

The Democrats are already messing with the next election in Wisconsin.  This is what we warned about.  If you allow the Democrats to commit the most corrupt steal in world election history, they will not stop.

The Republicans have decided to move forward in spite of this mandate and get as many Republicans working the next election as they can.  We’ll have to keep an eye on this.

OUTRAGEOUS! After Massive GOP Interest – Madison, Wisconsin Election Officials Are Now Requiring All Poll Workers Be Vaccinated for Upcoming Election OUTRAGEOUS! After Massive GOP Interest – Madison, Wisconsin Election Officials Are Now Requiring All Poll Workers Be Vaccinated for Upcoming Election Reviewed by Your Destination on November 17, 2021 Rating: 5