BREAKING: Alleged FOX News Christmas Tree Arsonist With Criminal History Is Already Set FREE With NO Bail
New York’s no bail law is rewarding criminals while citizens and tourists in the state are forced to accept the huge uptick in overall crime.
On April 1, 2019, New York State passed sweeping criminal justice reform legislation that eliminates money bail and pretrial detention for nearly all misdemeanor and nonviolent felony defendants; requires prosecutors to disclose their evidence to the defense earlier in case proceedings; promotes speedy trial rights, and reduces the maximum length of a jail sentence for people convicted of a misdemeanor from one year to 364 days (avoiding deportation exposure for many immigrants convicted of minor crimes).
Yesterday, Craig Tamanaha, a 49-year-old homeless male with a long criminal history was arrested for setting a 50-foot artificial Christmas tree on fire outside of the Fox News headquarters.
The early morning fire endangered the safety and welfare of NYC residents and tourists. According to the New York Post, the fire allegedly caused about $500,000 in damage outside the Midtown building that houses Fox News, the Wall Street Journal, and the New York Post.
The suspect has a history of destructive stunts, is homeless and abuses drugs, his father told The Post earlier Wednesday.
“Oh, he’s a nut. I can’t control him,” said Richard Tamanaha of Hawaii. “Mentally, he’s not all there.”
Outgoing NYPD Police Commissioner Dermot Shea said Tamanaha was already known to cops.
“It’s an individual that’s known to us — he has a series of low-level arrests and drug arrests,” the top cop said on WPIX Wednesday.
“He was issued some earlier this year — some appearance tickets and didn’t come back to court, which unfortunately is something we see all too often. He also has some low-level arrests out of state — I believe it’s Texas.”
Last week, Tamanaha also allegedly exposed himself to a group of reporters outside the Ghislaine Maxwell trial in Manhattan, a photographer told The Post.
Fox News reports – Last night, only hours after his arrest, arson suspect Craig Tamanaha was seen leaving a Manhattan criminal courthouse following his arraignment.
“I didn’t do it,” Tamanaha told reporters outside the building.