BREAKING BIG: Former Senator David Perdue Sues Fulton County for “Absentee Ballots…Scanned Multiple Times” and “16,000 Ballots” Not Counted in 2020 Election
Former Senator David Perdue is suing Fulton County’s Elections Director, the Fulton County Elections Board, and the Fulton County Commissioners regarding their actions in the 2020 Election.
The case filed on Thursday in Georgia begins as follows:
Fulton County Board of Registration Elections Director Richard Barron and his agents including the other Respondents negligently, grossly negligently or intentionally engaged in and/or permitted multiple unlawful election acts and omissions by their failure, inter alia, to competently oversee the actions of the Fulton County Board of Registration and Elections employees, staff, agents, and/or contractors in the acceptance and tabulation and counting of absentee ballots, thousands of which were unlawfully marked by machines rather than legally registered Georgia voters. These acts and omissions, inter alia, circumvented the majority vote of the people of the State of Georgia and thereby affected the outcome of the statewide General Election on November 3, 2020 in several races including the United States Senate race of Petitioner Perdue
Fulton County Elections Board Members and Fulton County Board of Commissioners and their agents failed in their duty of oversight of the Elections Director, who was appointed to his position by the Fulton County Board of Commissioners and Fulton County Board of Registration and Elections. Together, the Respondents’ actions and inactions violated, and will continue to violate, the constitutional rights of one citizen, one vote, just as they violated the equal protection and due process rights of Senator David A. Perdue, an election candidate, and Elizabeth Grace Lennon, a voter, on November 3, 2020.
Under Section 12 of the filing it reads:
The unlawful, erroneous, negligent, grossly negligent, willful, malicious, corrupt, deceitful, and intentional manipulation of votes by Respondents violates the principles of democracy and the foundation of the Georgia Republic and is what Georgia’s founding fathers sought to prohibit when they thoughtfully crafted the Georgia Constitution to guarantee all citizens the right to one vote and the right to seek relief from the judiciary to protect their one vote from dilution, discrimination, and debasement.
Under Section 17 it reads:
Georgia law requires “[s]uperintendents, poll officers, and other officials engaged in the conducting of primaries and elections . . . [to] perform their duties in public.” O.C.G.A. § 21-2- 406. Respondents violated this provision of Georgia law as it relates to observers during the scanning of absentee ballots for Fulton County at State Farm Arena during the General Election.
Look at Sections 43 and 44:
From November 3, 2020 to November 4, 2020, several batches of absentee ballots were scanned multiple times, and those votes corrupt and erroneous totals were unlawfully included in the certified number of votes submitted by Fulton County to the Georgia Secretary of State’s Office.
Additionally, about 161 batches of ballots representing approximately 16,000 ballots cast were withheld by Respondents from the certified results that were submitted to the Georgia Secretary of State’s Office.
(Reminder, Biden was awarded Georgia by around 12,000 votes.)
The entire filing is attached below:
Purdue Case GA 12-9-21 by Jim Hoft on Scribd