Dem Rep. Ruiz on November Jobs Report: ‘Phenomenal News’


On Friday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Jose Díaz-Balart Reports,” Rep. Raul Ruiz (D-CA) stated that the November jobs report “is phenomenal news for all of us,” and that “all of our communities are just going to get back to work and the economy is going to continue to grow.”

Host Jose-Diaz Balart asked, “I want to start by getting your reaction to the November jobs report. It showed a big drop in unemployment among the African American community, big drop in unemployment among our community, the Latino community. 210,000 jobs were created. What’s your response?”

Ruiz responded, “My response is that this is phenomenal news for all of us, for all of America, regardless of our ethnicity. Because all of our communities are just going to get back to work and the economy is going to continue to grow. And this is prior to the amazing and historic bipartisan infrastructure bill that was signed by the president not too long ago, where we’re going to have even more construction jobs, about 1.5 million per year for the next two years, just with that infrastructure bill that we passed.”

Dem Rep. Ruiz on November Jobs Report: ‘Phenomenal News’ Dem Rep. Ruiz on November Jobs Report: ‘Phenomenal News’ Reviewed by Your Destination on December 04, 2021 Rating: 5