Hate Hoaxer Jussie Smollett Faces Chicago Lawsuit for $130,000 After He’s Convicted on Five Counts in Fake Hate Investigation


The city of Chicago filed a lawsuit against hate hoaxer Jussie Smollett in Cook County Circuit Court in April 2019 after he refused to pay $130,000 reimbursement for the investigative costs into his fake MAGA attack in January of that year.

Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx stunned the country when her office decided to drop all charges against Jussie Smollett after a grand jury returned a 16-count indictment against the ‘Empire’ actor — Foxx’s office didn’t even consult with the Chicago Police Department before dropping the charges. kim Foxx was funded by Soros in her run for Cook County State’s Attorney.

On March 28, 2019, the Chicago Police sent Jussie Smollett a bill for $130,000 demanding payment for his false statements — and Smollett refused to pay up.

But those charges are still due along with Smollett’s upcoming sentencing.

The Daily Mail reported:

Embattled actor Jussie Smollett still faces a $130,000 lawsuit from the City of Chicago – and more legal trouble from the brothers he hired to attack him – after he was convicted of staging his own assault in a botched career move.

The former Empire star dominated headlines in January 2019 after he claimed he was victimized in a racist, homophobic attack, but investigators soon determined his story was a hoax.

The Chicago Police Department came to the conclusion after more than two dozen cops spent weeks investigating the bogus story, logging 1,836 overtime hours in the process, a July 2019 legal filing said.

The city was faced with a $130,106.15 overtime tab and has since confirmed that it will press ahead with its lawsuit against Smollett to reclaim the cash. Their chances of a win or settlement are now all but guaranteed in the wake of the star’s conviction.

Hate Hoaxer Jussie Smollett Faces Chicago Lawsuit for $130,000 After He’s Convicted on Five Counts in Fake Hate Investigation Hate Hoaxer Jussie Smollett Faces Chicago Lawsuit for $130,000 After He’s Convicted on Five Counts in Fake Hate Investigation Reviewed by Your Destination on December 14, 2021 Rating: 5