Packers QB Aaron Rodgers on Ivermectin: Many Teams Behind the Scenes Are Treating Players with Same Treatment That I Got (VIDEO)
In early November Green Bay Packers quarterback, Aaron Rodgers caught the coronavirus and then announced he was going follow Joe Rogan’s advice and take Ivermectin.
Rodgers was back on the field a week later playing football.
On Tuesday Aaron Rodgers went back on with Pat McAfee and told his audience several NFL teams are using the same type of treatments he used to beat the coronavirus. Rodgers also said, “If science can’t be questioned it’s not science, it’s propaganda.”
Aaron Rodgers: I think one of my issues and I brought this up many times is that one, they don’t talk about the fact that guys are getting better, people are getting better using these things. That’s fine if you don’t want to talk about that. But how come in a league we are seeing, what 52 guys on the list yesterday? There is still zero conversation, at least publicly, about treatment options for people that test positive. I do know behind the scenes. This is 100% true. There are many teams who are using, who are recommending a lot of the same treatments that I got for their players… If science can’t be questioned it’s not science then it’s propaganda.
Via Breitbart.