Take an Online Burlesque Class...Make Your Bed...Take Shots of Favorite Booze...Dance Alone...Sing Online Karaoke...And MORE!...Experts Share INSANE Tips On How To Celebrate Christmas ALONE During COVID

 Last month, during a segment on CBS Morning, Psychologist Lisa Damour discussed ways to keep friends and family from ruining Thanksgiving by spreading COVID to guests in their homes.

“It might be a difficult conversation before people step into your house, to say ‘Wait a minute—where’s your [vaccination]card? What’s your status? Before you walk into my home,” one of the panel members said with a straight face.

Damour gave viewers helpful tips about making it “fun” for guests while they wait for the test results from a rapid test you should force on them. “This is tough because people are all over on the map on this—but the rapid tests have made this a lot easier because whatever people’s vaccination status is, we can actually confirm people’s safety on the spot,” she said. “So, if it feels like it’s gonna be weird—make it fun” she added. “And say, ‘we’re going to start with hors d’oeuvres in the garage. You know, we’ll have drinks, we’ll do our rapid tests, and then come on in,’ right?” You can make it playful, make it fun, and then be able to enjoy the holiday because you’re not worried about safety.”

Watch the incredible exchange here:

As Christmas approaches, the “experts” are at it again. This time, experts in Great Britain are sharing ways to celebrate the birth of Christ alone.

The Daily Mail reports – With the news that more than one million Britons are likely to be isolating with Covid on their own on Christmas Day, it’s hard to get into the festive spirit with plans in disarray for the second year running.

With this in mind, top party planners have shared their advice on how to make the most of your Christmas period, whether you’re locked down with a few people or alone, with minimal planning or cost.

Here are just a few of the party-planners suggestions:

Make sure to get dressed, make your bed have some sort of routine, you definitely want to put on your favorite Christmas jumper and tinsel earrings; even if you’re by yourself, it will get you into the festive spirit.’

Give yourself a chocolate or a shot or your favorite tipple [alcoholic beverage] every time someone texts you to say how terrible it is, you’re stuck at home alone, or each time you scroll on social media to see friends and family having a great time without you.

Even if dancing is the last thing, you want to do while feeling down on Christmas Day, grooving around your house with nobody watching could be a great way to boost your mood.

Similar to dancing, blaring out some Christmas songs is sure to get you in the festive spirit, and whether you’re on your own or with a partner – some online karaoke is a surefire way to cheer you up.

If you’re looking for an online activity to keep you fully entertained for the evening, look no further than online burlesque classes – which are run every Saturday, including Christmas Day. The sessions are led by our international burlesque performers and will see instructors teach routines throughout a two-hour session – you can even pick your own festive song.

While Zoom calls will naturally take up a large part of the day, there are various online drinking games that can make chatting to your family over the phone far more interesting.

Curiously, the so-called “experts” in our completely upside-down world never mention reading the Bible or watching a movie about the birth of Christ on the day the world celebrates the birth of baby Jesus.

Take an Online Burlesque Class...Make Your Bed...Take Shots of Favorite Booze...Dance Alone...Sing Online Karaoke...And MORE!...Experts Share INSANE Tips On How To Celebrate Christmas ALONE During COVID Take an Online Burlesque Class...Make Your Bed...Take Shots of Favorite Booze...Dance Alone...Sing Online Karaoke...And MORE!...Experts Share INSANE Tips On How To Celebrate Christmas ALONE During COVID Reviewed by Your Destination on December 18, 2021 Rating: 5

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