Three Events The Simpsons Correctly Predicted in 2021

 The Simpsons is well-known for making spot-on predictions about the future, including Donald Trump becoming president and the Ebola outbreak. The show continues to yield accurate predictions for the future, and 2021 showed a lot of Simpsons moments coming to fruition.

Richard Branson’s Spaceflight

In a 2014 episode, “The War of Art”, an animated Richard Branson is shown floating around in space. As depicted in the Simpsons episode, Branson reached the edge of space this year in his Virgin Galactic rocket plane and shared some pictures that were very similar to those from the TV show.


Kamala Harris’ Inauguration Outfit

In an episode from the year 2000, “Bart to the Future”, Lisa Simpson, who acted as president in the episode, wore a bright purple suit jacket with a pearl necklace and earrings. This outfit bore a striking resemblance to the outfit Kamala Harris wore at the inauguration, including the matching jewelry set.

Tom Hanks’ Inauguration Special

The 2021 inauguration was promoted with a TV special hosted by Tom Hanks. In an eerily similar scenario, Tom Hanks made a cameo on an episode of The Simpsons in which he addressed the nation in a moment of “national chaos”, saying, “The US government has lost its credibility, so it’s borrowing some of mine.”

Three Events The Simpsons Correctly Predicted in 2021 Three Events The Simpsons Correctly Predicted in 2021 Reviewed by Your Destination on December 30, 2021 Rating: 5