BREAKING: Pennsylvania Supreme Court Steps In and Delays Fulton County, Pennsylvania 2020 Election Investigation
The Democrat Pennsylvania Secretary of State waited until the last minute to ask the state’s Supreme Court to step in and stop the election review of the 2020 results in Fulton, County. Today they did.
The Penn-Star Capital reports:
A third-party inspection of Fulton County voting machines, scheduled for Friday as part of the Senate’s taxpayer-funded election investigation, was derailed — following a last-minute Pennsylvania Supreme Court order granting a request from the Wolf administration challenging the review.
Envoy Sage, the contractor hired by the Senate Intergovernmental Operations Committee to conduct the investigation, was poised to inspect the county’s machines Friday afternoon when the court issued a stay, putting the process on hold until the Supreme Court reaches a final decision.
The order came after a state judge rejected attempts by Dominion Voting Machines, Gov. Tom Wolf, a Democrat, and state elections officials to block the probe unless an accredited inspector carried it out. The Wolf administration also wants Fulton County and Envoy Sage to agree to a step-by-step protocol and disclose who will conduct the review.
Legislative Democrats and Attorney General Josh Shapiro have also expressed security concerns with Envoy Sage in court challenges to a subpoena issued as part of the Senate investigation that asks for voters’ driver’s license numbers and partial Social Security numbers.
“Dominion welcomes such reviews by accredited elections entities,” the company said in a statement to the Capital-Star. “We have made this expressly clear to county officials many times, including in legal filings. Unfortunately, this inspection does not comply with existing federal or state requirements.”
Dominion compared the review in Pennsylvania to the controversial, GOP-backed election probe carried out by a firm with no experience auditing elections in Maricopa County, Ariz., last year.
The contractor selected to “assess” Dominion machines “has never gone through any Voting System Test Lab accreditation process to ensure its qualifications and credibility,” Dominion said in a statement.
Of course, Dominion doesn’t want any professionals near their machines. They use the excuse that they want certain professionals to look into their machines, but to date, the inspections by the Dominion preferred have found nothing because their investigations and audits are worthless.
We reported a week ago how the Dominion machines shouldn’t have been used in the Pennsylvania election in 2020.