Joe Biden Falsely Claims He Got Arrested Marching in the Civil Rights Movement (VIDEO)
Joe Biden is a legend in his own mind.
Joe Biden on Tuesday traveled to Atlanta, Georgia where he officially announced he supports “changing” the Senate filibuster rules.
Biden and Harris called on the Senate to nuke the filibuster in order to pass a federal takeover of elections.
Joe Biden told the mostly black crowd in Atlanta that he got arrested marching in the civil rights movement.
This never happened.
Joe Biden never marched in the civil rights movement.
“…I walked other grounds cuz I’m so damn old I was there as well…they think I’m kidding, man,” Biden said. “Seems like yesterday the first time I got arrested — anyway.”
Joe Biden has told a version of this lie many times.
Last month Biden told graduates at South Carolina State University that he “desegregated restaurants and movie theaters” during the Civil Rights movement.
In 1987, Joe Biden was forced to admit he lied about his involvement in the civil rights movement in the 60s.
“I was not an activist.. I was not marching. I was not down in Selma,” Biden said in 1987.
Biden did work at an all black swimming pool where he encountered Corn Pop and learned about roaches.
Does that count?