ROGER STONE EXCLUSIVE: Battleground Pennsylvania – How the Future of America Demands for Dozens of State Legislature GOP Primaries
Battleground Pennsylvania: How the Future of America Demands Dozens of PA State Legislature GOP Primaries
There is quiet combat going on in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania that may very well decide the future of the United States. If the America First team loses, we are unlikely to see a Republican President ever again.
And this epic battle is set to blast into public view in the next few days. Let me explain.
In 2019, before COVID19 even hit, Pennsylvania’s Republican-controlled legislature passed a law called Act 77 which permits mail-in ballots for any reason whatsoever. Why they did it has been lost in what happened next: the Chinese virus pandemic hit, and Democrat operatives allegedly ran through the wide-open door to the corruption Act 77 created with boxes and boxes of falsified and harvested ballots.
As a result, Democrats successfully stole the state from Donald Trump. The corruption opportunities enshrined in Act 77 make it certain this will happen again and again, long into the future And as any presidential election expert worth a damn will tell you, there’s little chance a Republican can win a national election without Pennsylvania’s electoral votes. Without PA, the math gets hard.
So to be abundantly clear, Pennsylvania’s Republican state legislators opened a door to rampant continuous corruption which paves the way for permanent Democrat control of the White House.
As one of the original 13 colonies, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has one of the oldest state constitutions in America. Philadelphia is the birthplace of our country, where the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution were both written. It’s a state with a long history of protecting election integrity.
Pennsylvania’s state constitution was originally drafted in 1776, just weeks after the Declaration of Independence. Benjamin Franklin helped enact a constitution in his home state which relied heavily on the public’s participation. The legislature does not have sole authority to change election laws. They must have public consent.
The results of Act 77: mail-in ballots increased from 266,000 in 2016 to over 2.5 million in 2020. This created a remarkable discrepancy in valid votes which affected the outcome of the national election. This may be impossible to unravel.
But there’s a loose thread: Act 77 is very clearly against the Constitution of Pennsylvania, and a courageous county commissioner from the countryside of the Commonwealth sued to stop it. Miraculously, this David v Goliath litigation looks to be going his way.
Doug McLinko of Bradford County sued the state because its constitution clearly spells out precisely who may cast absentee ballots:
“…Voters can vote by absentee ballot (by mail) when they (a) are absent from their residence on the election day because of business, (b) unable to attend in person because of illness or disability, (c) unable to attend because of the observance of a religious holiday or (d) unable to vote because of election day duties.”
In fact, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has upheld this clear letter of the supreme law of the state in a 1923 attempt to create strikingly similar no excuse mail-in balloting. McLinko is expected to prevail in Commonwealth Court; arguments have ended and the judges’ decision is expected any day.
That’s why the forces who corruptly drove President Donald Trump out of office are lining up for open warfare. Obama’s Solicitor General Seth Waxman, arguably the Democrat’s top constitutional attorney, raced to Harrisburg at the last minute to assure the Democrat National Committee joined the suit and now has the standing to appeal. This is key because the present-day Pennsylvania Supreme Court is stacked and blue. They are expected to overrule the lower court. And, it’s unlikely the US Supreme Court would even take up the case – but Waxman will be at the bar in Harrisburg and Washington to assure it.
But, just in case, the national cabal that funded systemic efforts to defeat President Trump in 2020 has brought in a ringer. On Monday, Democrat Governor Tom Wolf announced Leigh Chapman will be appointed Acting Secretary of State on January 8, 2022. She will be the state’s senior officer supervising all elections. This is another tell.
Today Chapman serves as executive director of Deliver My Vote, where she oversaw the Democrats’ national push to install no excuse mail-in ballots across the country as pandemic fear took hold. All kinds of corruption broke out: exploited ballot drop boxes, privately-funded illegal ballot harvesting, and other schemes made possible by Act 77-style legalization of mail-in ballots in many states. This defeated Donald Trump.
Chapman, a longtime partisan Democrat operative, worked as the Pennsylvania department’s policy director from 2015 to 2017 overseeing the implementation of electronic voter registration – another Democrat tactic to turn a purple state dark blue. The Deliver My Vote head will now step in to help the national Democrats defend Act 77 as the Commonwealth Court rejects the law.
And with Waxman and Chapman on the Leftist balustrade, the battle is joined.
But while national Democrats and their billionaire funders are lining up to fight like rabid dogs, the key to victory is the people of Pennsylvania, rock-solid patriots who have no tolerance for this kind of game. They hate Act 77. But, somehow, their elected legislators set the table for this disastrous feast.
If Act 77 is not eliminated, Pennsylvania Republicans will never win another statewide election and the people will be ruled by Democrat governors forever. Ballot fraud will soon ooze down to county and state officer races. And, of course, no Republican will win the presidential stakes there again, virtually assuring Democrat Presidents in perpetuity.
The Pennsylvania state legislature is not smarter than Ben Franklin. They must take immediate action which assures ballot security standards set forth in the state Constitution are preserved, protected and respected by the government, politicians and voters of the Commonwealth.
There are multiple ways to do that, and there are ways to just pretend it’s being done. Today the politicians are pretending. It is abundantly clear legislators will not do this on their own. The people of Pennsylvania must rise up now and demand affirmative action to kill Act 77.
The same Republicans who thought it was a brilliant idea to pass Act 77 and open the door to widespread vote fraud are not ready to admit they screwed up so badly. The same state Republicans who arguably cost President Trump the entire election aren’t ready to act to correct their egregious error. So they must be replaced.
The good and decent people of Pennsylvania, salt of the Earth Republicans in key state legislative districts from the Endless Mountains to the Philadelphia suburbs, from central Pennsylvania to the borders with all neighboring states must make it clear to their majority in Harrisburg: if you do not fix the problem you created for the United States of America, you will be primaried and defeated by an America First Republican who will.
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