BREAKING: FDA Executive Officer Makes SHOCKING Admission About Covid Vaccine In Secretly Recorded Video [WATCH]

 Yesterday, shocking audio was released by Project Veritas that exposed the FDA for lying to the American people about the Covid-19 vaccine.  FDA Executive Officer Christopher Cole, who plays a leading role in making sure that vaccines are safe for use by the American public, admitted that an annual Covid booster is certain to happen.  Cole went on to admit that the primary reason for the booster is not the health and safety of Americans, but a profit motive by pharmaceutical companies.  He says the reason it hasn’t been revealed to the American public yet is to prevent backlash by American citizens.  Project Veritas Reports

“Food and Drug Administration [FDA] Executive Officer, Christopher Cole, inadvertently revealed that his agency will eventually announce that annual COVID-19 vaccinations will become policy.

Cole is an Executive Officer heading up the agency’s Countermeasures Initiatives, which plays a critical role in ensuring that drugs, vaccines, and other measures to counter infectious diseases and viruses are safe. He made the revelations on a hidden camera to an undercover Project Veritas reporter.

Cole indicates that annual COVID-19 shots isn’t probable — but certain. When pushed on how he knows an annual shot will become policy, Cole states, “Just from everything I’ve heard, they [FDA] are not going to not approve it.”

Cole goes on to admit that one of the main incentives for the booster is not public health, but that it will line the pockets of pharmaceutical companies by giving them a continuous stream of revenue.  Pfizer’s profits skyrocketed in 2021 due to the Covid vaccine, from $9 Billion in 2020 to $22 Billion in 2021.

“It’ll be recurring fountain of revenue,” Cole said in the hidden camera footage. “It might not be that much initially, but it’ll recurring — if they can — if they can get every person required at an annual vaccine, that is a recurring return of money going into their company.” Cole said.

He also commented on the use of Emergency Authorization for the vaccine, which has shielded companies from liability if the vaccine is ineffective or has negative side effects.  The Emergency Authorization was also used to approve the vaccine for children.  This is what Cole said when asked if it was necessary for kids to get the vaccine under Emergency Authorization:

“They’re all approved under an emergency just because it’s not as impactful as some of the other approvals,” Cole said when asked if he thought there was “really an emergency for kids.”

BREAKING: FDA Executive Officer Makes SHOCKING Admission About Covid Vaccine In Secretly Recorded Video [WATCH] BREAKING: FDA Executive Officer Makes SHOCKING Admission About Covid Vaccine In Secretly Recorded Video [WATCH] Reviewed by Your Destination on February 16, 2022 Rating: 5

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