Mark Levin: Russia's endgame is not Ukraine, it's this
The conflict between Russia and Ukraine provides a timely opportunity for a critical thinking exercise.
Suppose you are the leader of Russia, China, Iran, etc. Consider Biden's tragic exit from Afghanistan in August 2021, and the strained relationship that disaster created with our NATO allies. Wouldn't you see the present as a golden window of opportunity to carry out your war-filled dreams? After all, what America has in President Joe Biden is a commander in chief who Mark Levin, host of "LevinTV" noted, is incapable of defending The United States of America.
In this clip, Mark addressed a video from NBC Today that covered the developing situation of Russia and Ukraine. If you follow politics, you are well aware that what we see on the surface usually does not reflect reality. Mark highlighted the general principle, pointing out the implications of what a Russian invasion of Ukraine means.
"The fear is, the Russians will cut through Ukraine and then start gobbling up little pieces of other countries," Mark assessed, meaning the fear is that Russia will gain control of new territory. Mark added that the United States is not in the best position. Watch the clip for a clear breakdown of what is unfolding between Russia, Ukraine, and potentially NATO.
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