A Way to Learn “Respectful Language” About Sex: New York School Defends Teaching Students Grotesque Terms Like “D*ck Me Down” and “Bust One in Me” as Part of Sex Ed


A New York high school is refusing to back down in the face of intense backlash after a photo depicting part of a recent sex-ed lesson in which students discussed terms like “coochie slayer” and “ejaculate and evacuate” was leaked online last week. Despite facing immediate outrage from parents and the community about the shocking incident, school officials are doubling down in defense of the teacher’s lesson plan, claiming that the students must learn grotesque terms like “bust one in me” and “rearrange my insides” in order to understand “the importance of using respectful language” about sex.

Rob Astorino, a Republican New York gubernatorial candidate, shared the photo of the lewd terms online and called for a ban on this sort of “criminal sexual content” in schools. The leaked photo shows part of a lesson plan from earlier this month for Croton-Harmon high school’s 10th-grade health class.

In addition to the vulgar terms above, students discussed phrases like “professional rawdogger,” “face f*ck,” and “porking.”

As if Americans didn’t need another reason to get their children out of public schools… Respectful language? These people are sick.

One appalled parent, who spoke with News12 Westchester, explained that the ‘X-rated’ lesson made her teenage child extremely uncomfortable.

“I just don’t think it belongs in a classroom,” the parent said. “I think there are other ways that you can use to teach these topics.”

Astorino followed up with The Washington Free Beacon after his tweet and expanded on his comments. As he rightly points out, if this sexually deviant content was being taught to children by someone in public, they would likely be arrested. So, why should the situation change if it is a radical progressive activist who’s masquerading as a teacher?

Either way, it is what it is – the radical sexual indoctrination of children. A crime that deserves severe punishment.

From Astorino, via The Washington Free Beacon:

“Kids who can’t get into a rated-R movie are now learning about twisted and dangerous sex acts. If someone was caught teaching kids this stuff in a park, he or she would be arrested as a sex offender.”

In response to the intense criticism, school administrators in the Croton-Harmon district claimed that its teachers should be teaching this extremely explicit material, calling it “important for our students,” because it teaches the students how to communicate respectfully when it comes to sex.

“Learning experiences such as this one are important for our students, and we trust our highly trained, dedicated, and passionate professionals in their facilitation of these experiences,” the district explained in a statement last week.

Unfortunately, this is just one of the countless examples of schools teaching increasingly vulgar content in schools. From coast to coast children as young as five are being introduced to radical gender ideologies and graphic sexual discussions thanks to the Left’s push to sexualize young children as early as possible. What’s worse, there is a systemic agreement among the participants to actively hide the indoctrination from parents. It’s downright sinister.

More so, the ones paying for it are the American citizens by way of public funding and taxpayer dollars. In just one example, the city of New York recently spent hundreds of thousands on drag queen performances at *middle schools,* where adult men dressed in hyper-sexualized outfits not only performed for the young crowd but also gave out drag makeup tutorials to the children.

The drag queen middle school program is expected to expand for the upcoming school year after city officials voted to increase its budget last month.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. This madness must be stopped.

A Way to Learn “Respectful Language” About Sex: New York School Defends Teaching Students Grotesque Terms Like “D*ck Me Down” and “Bust One in Me” as Part of Sex Ed A Way to Learn “Respectful Language” About Sex: New York School Defends Teaching Students Grotesque Terms Like “D*ck Me Down” and “Bust One in Me” as Part of Sex Ed Reviewed by Your Destination on June 30, 2022 Rating: 5