Ana Navarro Uses Disabled Brother and Step Granddaughter Who Has Down Syndrome as Examples of Why Women Need Abortions (VIDEO)


There is nothing too low for Ana Navarro and CNN.

CNN commentator Ana Navarro on Friday used her disabled brother and step granddaughter who has Down Syndrome as examples of why women should be able to have abortions.

“And because I have a family with a lot of special needs kids,” Navarro said. “I have a brother who’s 57 and has the mental and motor skills of a 1-year-old and I know what that means financially, emotionally, physically for a family and I know not all families can do it.”

Navarro continued, “I have a step granddaughter who was born with Down Syndrome – and you know what? It is very difficult in Florida to get services…and I got another step grandson who is very autistic.”

Navarro argued that she can still be Catholic and pro-abortion.

“I’m Catholic when it comes to me, but there’s a lot of Americans who are not Catholic and they’re not Christian and you have no damn right to tell them what they should do with their bodies!”

CNN’s Alisyn Camerota nodded in agreement.

These people are sick.


Ana Navarro Uses Disabled Brother and Step Granddaughter Who Has Down Syndrome as Examples of Why Women Need Abortions (VIDEO) Ana Navarro Uses Disabled Brother and Step Granddaughter Who Has Down Syndrome as Examples of Why Women Need Abortions (VIDEO) Reviewed by Your Destination on June 24, 2022 Rating: 5