Drug Cartels Behind Smuggling Operations on the Southern Border Led to the Deaths of 50+ Migrants in a Semi-Trailer This Week
Joe Biden’s border is a disaster. Cartels are running the border and literally killing people and now sadly this week over 50+ migrants died in the back of a semi-trailer in Texas.
Back in March of 2021 TGP reported on how the cartels on the Southern Border are selling children for $3,200 dollars a head.
This week’s event in Texas where more than 50 migrants died in the back of a semi-trailer is related tot the human smuggling. A local Texas CBS station discussed how the cartels are involved in the human smuggling into the US.
Criminal organizations charge migrants up to $25,000 to be smuggled into the U.S. and then put them in dangerous situations, a former Homeland Security agent said.
Human smuggling is a lucrative business, from the organizations smuggling migrants from their home countries to the Mexican drug cartels controlling who travels across the border.
Migrants are shelling out tens of thousands of dollars to these criminal organizations who give them a false hope and promise of life in the U.S., and as soon as the migrants pay their fees, their lives are in immediate danger.
“They’re being told that they’ll have safe passage to United States and usually they even guarantee that they’ll have some sort of employment once they get here, which is totally not the facts,” said retired Department of Homeland Security Special Agent, Timothy Tubbs.
Tubbs said that smugglers are making big money exploiting migrants and putting their lives in danger—for a profit.
“The facts are that they are put into very risky situations, and once they leave their home country, then they’re in the hands of the smugglers,” said Tubbs.
Migrants from Mexico might pay anywhere from $5,000 to $10,000, according to Tubbs. Smuggling organizations charge Central and South Americans from $15,000 to $25,000.
“So, they’re making a lot of money putting people at risk,” said Tubbs.
The migrants now forced to follow the demands of the smugglers, start a treacherous journey to get to the U.S., unaware they might not survive.
“The entire smuggling route from their home country to the border is extremely dangerous. There’s a lot of violence that happens. People are murdered during those smuggling routes,” said Tubbs.
Tubbs said the migrants are not immediately released from the smugglers’ stronghold when they get on U.S. soil.
Smugglers move the migrants to stash houses, often without electricity or running water, where Tubbs said they could wait days before the next part of their journey begins.
That next step could be hiding away in a train, a vehicle, or a semi-truck trailer, each mode of transportation still placing the lives of migrants at-risk.
Biden’s America is a wide-open border where criminal cartels are in charge and migrants are violently abused and killed. This is not what Americans want. This is what drug cartels want. This is evil.