Insurrection Day in DC: Leftists March to Supreme Court to Threaten and Intimidate Justices on Roe v Wade Decision


Monday, June 13th, is listed as one of the Supreme Court decision days. The much anticipated Roe v Wade decision is expected sometime this month.

In anticipation of this historic decision, far-left groups joined together in a planned insurrection and blockade of the US Supreme Court.

The far-left group Shut Down DC announced last week that they will shut down and blockade the streets around the Supreme Court on Monday.

And they have reinforcements.

The far left Extinction Rebellion Washington DC joined the Shut Down DC in their blockade of the Supreme Court on Monday.

This morning leftists marched to the US Supreme Court in their latest attempt to influence the SCOTUS justices.

Via Julio Rosas.

Marjorie Taylor Greene tweeted this out on Monday morning.

The insurrectionists are on the march.

Insurrection Day in DC: Leftists March to Supreme Court to Threaten and Intimidate Justices on Roe v Wade Decision Insurrection Day in DC: Leftists March to Supreme Court to Threaten and Intimidate Justices on Roe v Wade Decision Reviewed by Your Destination on June 13, 2022 Rating: 5