7 More Buses Full of Illegal Aliens Heading to New York City Left El Paso Yesterday


Keep ’em coming!

Governors Abbott, Ducey and DeSantis need to keep busing and flying illegals to Democrat sanctuary cities.

So far illegals have been transported to Chicago, New York City, DC and Martha’s Vineyard.

Texas Governor Abbott this week sent busloads of illegals to Kamala Harris’ front yard in DC. 

The first busload of illegal immigrants sent by Governor Greg Abbott of Texas arrived in New York City in early August.

According to a statement released by the office of the Governor of Texas over the summer, the first bus carrying roughly 50 immigrants from Venezuela, Ecuador, Honduras, and Colombia arrived at the Port Authority Bus Terminal in August.

Texas has transported 2,365 illegals on 51 buses to New York City since August 23, Fox News reported.

“Because of President Biden’s continued refusal to acknowledge the crisis caused by his open border policies, the State of Texas has had to take unprecedented action to keep our communities safe,” said Governor Abbott in a previous statement.

This is just the beginning because Abbott just sent 7 more buses full of illegals to New York City.

7 buses left El Paso on Friday en route to NYC, according to Fox News.

El Paso also signed a contract worth $2 million with the bus company to continue busing illegals to other states.

Meanwhile NYC Mayor Eric Adams is calling the influx of illegal aliens “a real burden on New Yorkers.”

“Food, clothing, school. This is going to impact our schools…there’s just a whole host of things that this is going to produce,” Adams said in July.

Get ready for more illegals, Mayor Adams!

7 More Buses Full of Illegal Aliens Heading to New York City Left El Paso Yesterday 7 More Buses Full of Illegal Aliens Heading to New York City Left El Paso Yesterday Reviewed by Your Destination on September 18, 2022 Rating: 5