#BoycottPayPal Trends on Twitter After it Shut Down Numerous Advocacy Group Accounts Including Gays Against Groomers, UK Medical Freedom, Free Speech Union, and others


Paypal has been on a ban-a-thon recently and has terminated the accounts of a number of campaign organizations. These organizations include the Gay Against Groomers, the Free Speech Union, legal activists Law or Fiction, and the parenting group UsForThem.


We have never violated any of Paypal’s bylaws — BUT we are conservative and Pro-Trump. 

They did not give us a reason for the banning. They say, “it’s contractual right to cease doing business with you pursuant to PayPal’s User Agreement.”

PayPal is exercising its contractual right to cease doing business with you pursuant to PayPal’s User Agreement. Under that Agreement, PayPal, in its sole discretion, has the right to terminate your account for any reason and at any time upon notice to you. In addition, we have recently reviewed your PayPal account activity, and determined that you are in violation of the Acceptable Use Policy regarding your use of a PayPal product or service. We are providing you notice that following this notice, we will permanently limit your account(s), and you will no longer be able to process transactions through PayPal or any of its services, including Venmo.

The note from Paypal also includes their services on Venmo.

On Tuesday, Gays Against Groomers (GAG), a group against the sexualization of children, announced on Twitter that they were permanently suspended from payment processors Paypal and Venmo.

The company claimed that GAG violated their user agreements, but failed to say what specific part of the agreement the organization violated.

Jaimee Michell joined Tucker to discuss her organization being banned by PayPal and Venmo.

Watch the video below:

PayPal UK has recently terminated the accounts of several advocacy groups, including the Free Speech Union, the legal advocacy group Law or Fiction, the parents’ advocacy group UsForThem, and even journalist and FSU founder Toby Young’s personal account, Betanews reported.

Molly Kingsley of UsforThemUK, advocating for children to be put first, appeared on GB News to discuss the closure of their Paypal account.

Watch the video below:

Users have expressed their outrage over Paypal’s action and called for a boycott on the social media platform Twitter using the hashtag, #BoycottPayPal.

Below are some of the tweets calling for a boycott:

#BoycottPayPal Trends on Twitter After it Shut Down Numerous Advocacy Group Accounts Including Gays Against Groomers, UK Medical Freedom, Free Speech Union, and others #BoycottPayPal Trends on Twitter After it Shut Down Numerous Advocacy Group Accounts Including Gays Against Groomers, UK Medical Freedom, Free Speech Union, and others Reviewed by Your Destination on September 23, 2022 Rating: 5