Why Is Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft Moving to Block an Investigation Into Election Fraud?


Earlier this month, Missouri State Representative candidate Alison Graeff filed suit against Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft and St. Charles Election Authority Director Kurt Bahr in St. Charles County (MO) Circuit Court.

Graeff alleged that multiple levels of Missouri electronic voting systems were vulnerable to election fraudsters.  The Missouri Secretary of State is ultimately responsible for ensuring free and fair elections throughout the state of Missouri.

Gateway Pundit readers may recall that earlier this year St. Charles County Elections Director Kurt Bahr was busted playing games on his cell phone instead of listening to the public evidence of election systems vulnerabilities. during a public meeting.   

Graeff’s lawsuit alleges that voting equipment – which by federal law is required to be regularly audited by EAC (US Election Assistance Commission), and by approved elections systems auditors ,and certified to be up-to-date.  This is not happening according to several local activists – like it is not happening in jurisdictions around the country.

The machines could be susceptible to voter fraud.  Secretary of State Ashcroft must be aware of the vulnerability.

The suit alleges that Ashcroft, the systems auditors, and federal elections authorities were and are asleep at the switch and not performing their duties.   The suit alleges that the software and systems have not had their software updated, have not been audited to ensure a fair and secure election in November and that the electronic voting equipment has not been properly certified by a legally accredited EAC lab as required by law.

In fact, Graeff was scheduled to present her evidence in court on Monday.  But then, at the eleventh hour, on Friday, September 16th,  Secretary of State Ashcroft used a procedural move to force Graeff’s lawsuit into federal court.  Federal court judges inside and outside Missouri are notorious for their contempt for both civil rights plaintiffs and their rights under the Constitution.

Ashcroft likely knows this and is banking on it.  He’s trying to deep-six the lawsuit in federal court to prevent a public investigation to secure Missouri’s elections which is his responsibility.

The Gateway Pundit has obtained a copy of a sworn statement made by St. Charles County Councilman, Joe Brazil, stating that Missouri Secretary of State Ashcroft, after receiving notice of the Petition to Contest filed by Alison Graeff, said directly to Councilman Brazil that “This will never see a courtroom” in a discussion about Ms. Graeff’s petition. This bombshell revelation only further highlights Ashcroft’s efforts to bury this case, since his unnecessary action of filing a Notice of Removal to Federal Court is preventing this case from “seeing a courtroom” on Monday morning as scheduled. 
Signed Statement From St. Charles County Councilman Joe Brazil


We reached out to the Missouri Secretary of State’s office for comment.  We will update our report with their comment.
Why Is Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft Moving to Block an Investigation Into Election Fraud? Why Is Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft Moving to Block an Investigation Into Election Fraud? Reviewed by Your Destination on September 19, 2022 Rating: 5