Hobby Lobby Founder Putting Company In A Trust – Says He Chose God As “The True Owner Of My Business”
Hobby Lobby Founder David Green announced he would be giving away his company because he “chose God.”
Green said that the company’s voting stock has been moved to a trust and that “God was the true owner of my business.”
The founder of Hobby Lobby says he’s giving his company away.
Green said that his decision was because he “chose God.” He explained that his faith was the “true source” of his success, and giving away his company came down to his own struggle between considering himself an owner of his company, or a steward.
“As an owner, there are certain rights and responsibilities, including the right to sell the company and keep the profits for yourself and your family,” he said. “As our company grew, that idea began to bother me more and more. Well-meaning attorneys and accountants advised me to simply pass ownership down to my children and grandchildren. It didn’t seem fair to me that I might change or even ruin the future of grandchildren who had not even been born yet.”
In the end, Green wrote that he decided he was a steward, and that “God was the true owner of my business.”
Green said that he wishes to be a steward of the company rather than an owner.
Hobby Lobby CEO David Green sent shockwaves through the news cycle after writing in a recent Fox News opinion piece that he elected to walk away from the craft store chain and choose God instead.
“Patagonia’s founder recently made news when he gave away the ownership in his company to allow the mission and purpose to remain intact… I experienced a similar decision-making process with my ownership of Hobby Lobby; I chose God,” he wrote Friday.
Green, who discussed the piece on Sunday’s “Fox & Friends Weekend,” told anchor Will Cain his mission is to be a steward instead of an owner.
Full interview with Will Cain: