Just 28 Percent of Voters Want Biden to Run in 2024, According to New Poll


Just 28 percent of voters want Joe Biden to run for the White House again in 2024.

A massive 65 percent of voters do not want Biden to run, according to a new poll from Politico released this week.

The pollsters asked, “Do you believe Joe Biden should run for president in the 2024 election?”

Of those who want Biden to run again, just 15 percent said he “definitely” should. 

Breitbart News reports, “the same survey also asked respondents if former President Donald Trump should run in 2024, and he garnered more support than Biden with 34 percent expressing the belief that he should. Of those, 22 percent said he ‘definitely’ should run again.”

The poll also found that more voters disapprove of Biden’s performance on several key issues than approve — including immigration, jobs, climate, energy, education, and national security.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is supporting Biden running again.

Pelosi was asked about the possibility during an appearance on ABC’s This Week earlier this month.

“Yes, I do. President Biden has been a great president for our country. He has accomplished so much,” she said. “He’s put money in people’s pockets, vaccines in their arms, children back to school, people back to work, for starters, creating 10 million jobs.”

The survey, taken November 18-20, 2022, among 2,018 registered voters, has a +/- 2 percent margin of error.

Just 28 Percent of Voters Want Biden to Run in 2024, According to New Poll Just 28 Percent of Voters Want Biden to Run in 2024, According to New Poll Reviewed by Your Destination on November 27, 2022 Rating: 5