Ten Reasons Why Kevin McCarthy Should NEVER Be Republican Speaker of the House
Republicans may retake the House of Representatives after a lack-luster performance in the 2022 midterm elections.
The United States is now under a communist assault from within. We need strong leadership.
Here are several reasons why Kevin McCarthy should never be Republican Speaker of the House.
1.) Kevin McCarthy: “We’re not going to impeach Joe Biden.”
2.) Kevin McCarthy recommended President Trump resign after January 6 protests that killed four Trump supporters… Then he lied about it.
3.) McCarthy spent millions to defeat pro-Trump Republicans.
4.) McCarthy booed at Trump rally.
5.) Kevin McCarthy following 2020 election, “I Don’t Think Anybody is Questioning the Legitimacy of the Election… It’s Over With”
7.) McCarthy pushed RINO Tim Scott for president.
8.) McCarthy blamed President Trump for January 6 riot.
9.) McCarthy voted with Democrats to outsource US jobs.
10.) Kevin McCarthy helped sabotage MAGA favorite Madison Cawthorne’s re-election effort.
Steve Cortes agrees.