Klaus Schwab on AI, Chatbots and Digital Identities: “Who Masters Those Technologies – In Some Way Will be the Master of the World” (VIDEO)


World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab this week spoke about the ‘fourth industrial revolution technologies’ at the World Government Summit in Dubai.

Klaus Schwab spoke about rapidly changing technology, chatbots, digital identities and more.

The masters of the universe will control the digital world and in turn control people, according to Klaus Schwab.

OpenAI’s ChatGPT is garnering increasing popularity throughout mainstream circles. 

In an article published today from far left Business Insider, they claimed that ChatGPT must be “woke” if OpenAI wants to attract large investors.

ChatGPT shows clear racial biases against whites.

This is the way forward, according to the radical left.

WEF’s Klaus Schwab said of Artificial Intelligence, chatbots and other advancements: “Who masters those technologies – in some way – will be the master of the world.”

“Ten years from now we will be completely different,” he said.


‘My deep concern is that [with] #4IR technologies, if we don’t work together on a global scale, if we do not formulate, shape together the necessary policies, they will escape our power to master those technologies,’ Klaus Schwab said.

Klaus Schwab on AI, Chatbots and Digital Identities: “Who Masters Those Technologies – In Some Way Will be the Master of the World” (VIDEO) Klaus Schwab on AI, Chatbots and Digital Identities: “Who Masters Those Technologies – In Some Way Will be the Master of the World” (VIDEO) Reviewed by Your Destination on February 14, 2023 Rating: 5