Los Angeles Dems offer plan to ‘depopulate’ county jails, claiming ‘systemic racism’ causes them to fill up

 Thanks to a George Soros-backed left-wing district attorney named George Gascon, Los Angeles County’s crime rates have gone through the roof. Thanks to a dimwitted proposal by a couple of Los Angeles County supervisors — both Democrats — the crime situation is going to get much worse if they get their way.

Los Angeles County Supervisors Hilda Solis and Lindsey Horvath have put forth a proposal to release inmates from county jails in an effort to “depopulate and decarcerate” them. The supervisors believe that such a move is necessary to address what they view as “systemic racism” within the criminal justice system, according to a report by Breitbart News. The plan will be voted on at the next Board of Supervisors meeting on Tuesday.

Solis is a former congresswoman who served as Secretary of Labor under President Obama, while Horvath is a former mayor of West Hollywood who previously attempted to bar former President Trump from the city, the report said.

“To depopulate and decarcerate is a monumental task, and the Board is committed to redress historical wrongs, deeply rooted in systemic racism and prejudice, and reverse status quo responses to poverty, mental health and medical needs, and substance use dependencies,” the plan claims, using typical — and false — Democratic talking points. It also calls on supervisors to declare a “humanitarian crisis” and to then implement a series of measures to reduce the prison population via several methods of releases.

Not surprisingly, local prosecutors are angry with the plan, which is just stupid given the amount of crime that L.A. already has thanks to its ‘soft-on-crime’ DA, Gascon.

“The Los Angeles County Police Chiefs Association says it was blindsided by the proposal, only learning about it on Friday, and believes it is conspicuously timed to occur during the same week as two major local law enforcement events — the Baker to Vegas Challenge Cup Relay and the Tri-County Police Chiefs Conference,” the Los Angeles Daily News reported.

A letter from the group to the supervisors, which was obtained by the Southern California News Group, says, in part: In the midst of surging crime rates, pre-arrest decriminalization policies, and a complete shift away from sound public safety responses, it appears the County BOS is poised to exacerbate our current plight. We do not stand against reform and we have been active participants in these efforts. However, we are concerned with the rushed motion under conspicuous circumstances, that does not allow for stakeholder participation.”

The new plan is opposed by Supervisor Kathryn Barger, the only Republican board member.

It should also be noted that the Board of Supervisors openly opposed the reelection of L.A. Sheriff Alex Villanueva, a Democrat who was all about law and order. He was beaten last November by another Democrat, Robert Luna.

The motion includes a request to send a letter to Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) and the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation to speed up the transfer and release of inmates held on behalf of the state, as well as to allow the Sheriff’s Department to directly release individuals from local custody when appropriate.

“The supervisors also would support legislative proposals that call for an end to non-safety-related towing of vehicles; a statewide zero bail schedule, similar to the Superior Court system used during the pandemic; and permanent funding for pretrial diversion services,” the Los Angeles Daily News also reported.

Los Angeles Dems offer plan to ‘depopulate’ county jails, claiming ‘systemic racism’ causes them to fill up Los Angeles Dems offer plan to ‘depopulate’ county jails, claiming ‘systemic racism’ causes them to fill up Reviewed by Your Destination on April 06, 2023 Rating: 5