Abbott Targets Another Self-Described ‘Sanctuary City’ With Bused Illegal Immigrants: Los Angeles

 Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott upped the ante on Tuesday night, busing migrants to yet another city: Los Angeles.

Roughly 40 illegal immigrants were dropped off at Los Angeles’ downtown Union Station as Abbott continued his policy of transporting illegal immigrants to areas calling themselves sanctuary cities.

“Texas just dropped off the 1st bus of migrants in Los Angeles,” Abbott tweeted. “Small Texas border towns remain overrun & overwhelmed because Biden refuses to secure the border. LA is a city migrants seek to go to, particularly now its leaders approved its self-declared sanctuary status.”

“Texas’ small border towns remain overwhelmed and overrun by the thousands of people illegally crossing into Texas from Mexico because of President Biden’s refusal to secure the border,” Abbott said in a statement. “Los Angeles is a major city that migrants seek to go to, particularly now that its city leaders approved its self-declared sanctuary city status. Our border communities are on the frontlines of President Biden’s border crisis, and Texas will continue providing this much-needed relief until he steps up to do his job and secure the border.”

L.A. Mayor Karen Bass condemned the move from Abbott.

“It is abhorrent that an American elected official is using human beings as pawns in his cheap political games,”Bass said in a statement “Shortly after I took office, I directed City Departments to begin planning in the event Los Angeles was on the receiving end of a despicable stunt that Republican Governors have grown so fond of.”

Abbott previously sent illegal immigrants to Washington, D.C., in April 2022. He later sent more illegal immigrants to New York City, Chicago, Philadelphia, and Denver. All of the aforementioned cities consider themselves “sanctuary cities.”

In January, Abbott hand-delivered a letter to President Joe Biden when visited the U.S.-Mexico border.

“Your visit to our southern border with Mexico today is $20 billion too little and two years too late,” the letter began. “Moreover, your visit avoids the sites where mass illegal immigration occurs and sidesteps the thousands of angry Texas property owners whose lives have been destroyed by your border policies.”

“Even the city you visit has been sanitized of the migrant camps which had overrun downtown El Paso because your Administration wants to shield you from the chaos that Texans experience on a daily basis,” the letter continued. “This chaos is the direct result of your failure to enforce the immigration laws that Congress enacted.”

“Your open-border policies have emboldened the cartels, who grow wealthy by trafficking deadly fentanyl and even human beings,” the letter said. “Texans are paying an especially high price for your failure, sometimes with their very lives, as local leaders from your own party will tell you if given the chance.”

Abbott Targets Another Self-Described ‘Sanctuary City’ With Bused Illegal Immigrants: Los Angeles Abbott Targets Another Self-Described ‘Sanctuary City’ With Bused Illegal Immigrants: Los Angeles Reviewed by Your Destination on June 15, 2023 Rating: 5

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