D.C. Court: 16-Year-Old Girl Stabbed To Death Fighting Over McDonald’s Sauce

 In Washington, D.C., a 16-year-old girl is accused of fatally stabbing another 16-year-old girl during a fight over McDonald’s dipping sauce over the weekend.

At 2:00 a.m. ET Sunday morning, the teenager reportedly got into an argument with another 16-year-old girl outside of a McDonald’s near the popular U Street area of the nation’s capital. The victim allegedly began attacking the suspect before walking away. Then, according to security camera footage, the suspect allegedly lunged at the n0w-deceased girl and stabbed her to death. It’s unclear what exactly started the argument, but a D.C. detective testified in court that it began over sweet-and-sour sauce, The Washington Post reported.

“At the end of the day, someone is dead over a dispute over sauce,” D.C. Superior Court Judge Sherri Beatty-Arthur said in court Monday.

The suspect was charged with second-degree murder while armed and pleaded “not involved” on Monday. Per the Post, the prosecutor in the case said that the suspect is the only individual “who brought a knife to a fistfight.”

Beatty-Arthur ordered that the suspect be held until Friday for another hearing.

The shocking murder comes as D.C. is plagued by rising crime. This was the 13th individual under the age of 18 killed in D.C. this year. The violence is so bad that one D.C. Councilman has demanded that the National Guard be sent in to stop the chaos.

Critics say that the lawlessness is the result of years’ worth of anti-police rhetoric and policies:


Even folks like D.C. council chairman Phil Mendelson, who earlier this year denied that there was a crisis in the city, are admitting that it has become ungovernable.

“You can get away with murder in this city,” he said point blank in July.

Meanwhile, citizens like Sabel Harris, chair of an Advisory Neighborhood Commission located near the McDonald’s, told the Post the tragedy was “horrifying.”

“I walk by that McDonald’s almost every single day,” she said. “My mind is just reeling from this.”

Harris is calling upon the mayor to do more.

“I don’t know what the solution is,” Harris told the Post. “I just wish there was more transparency and more accountability taken with people like the mayor and the council to say, ‘This is not working.’”
D.C. Court: 16-Year-Old Girl Stabbed To Death Fighting Over McDonald’s Sauce D.C. Court: 16-Year-Old Girl Stabbed To Death Fighting Over McDonald’s Sauce Reviewed by Your Destination on August 31, 2023 Rating: 5

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