House Intel Chairman Hits Biden Over Border Disaster: He’s ‘Encouraging’ It By Offering Incentives

 House Intelligence Chairman Mike Turner (R-OH) slammed President Joe Biden over the weekend for the renewed explosion of illegal immigration on the U.S. southern border, saying that Biden is “encouraging” this to happen by offering incentives to illegal aliens and effectively communicating that the border is open.

Turner made the remarks during a Sunday interview with Martha Raddatz on ABC News’ “This Week”.

“Well, the Biden administration has been encouraging, and the manner in which they have — have provided assistance to migrants, not really communicating that our borders should be closed. Instead, have encouraging an open border policy,” Turner said. “You know, this is a national security and an economic security threat. On national security, we’ve seen individuals on the terrorist watch list be apprehended. We certainly see fentanyl and other drugs coming across the border. On economic security, you even have the mayor of New York saying that it’s destroying his city.”

“That’s why the Republicans put forth a border protecting bill, House Bill 2, which would put physical barriers on the border, but also change our asylum rules. And at the same time, put more border agents,” Turner continued. “And to contrast that with the Biden administration just in the last 10 days took action to give 200,000 Venezuelans temporary protective status, which includes that they cannot be deported and work privileges.”

Turner said that if Biden would close the border and “stop encouraging, providing people incentives to come,” that others would be dissuaded from making the trek to the southern border.

“If we had the right policies, they wouldn’t be here. By providing them these — the open assistance, what you’re seeing is an encouragement for others to come,” he said. “Wherefore, House Bill 2 makes certain that we close the border for immigration, this migrant immigration, makes certain that provide border security and at the same time change our asylum rules to give us the legal tools to send people home.”

Turner said that the proof that the border was wide open was in the 1.9 million people that have crossed the border over the last year.

“That’s more people that live in the cities of Columbus, Cincinnati, and Dayton, Ohio, and southeast Ohio, combined,” he said. “These numbers speak for themselves. They surely show that the administration’s policies encouraging people to come across the border. We need to stop this.”


House Intel Chairman Hits Biden Over Border Disaster: He’s ‘Encouraging’ It By Offering Incentives House Intel Chairman Hits Biden Over Border Disaster: He’s ‘Encouraging’ It By Offering Incentives Reviewed by Your Destination on September 25, 2023 Rating: 5