Conservative Actor James Woods Warns a ‘Hamas-Like Army is Silently Crossing Biden’s Open Border Every Day’


James Woods is one of Hollywood’s greatest actors. He is also very much a pro-American conservative.

Woods recently tweeted about something that is on the minds of millions of Americans. He pointed out that Biden’s open border is a massive threat to America’s national security.

Of course, people thought this before the attacks in Israel but now it’s even more obvious.

Breitbart News reports:


James Woods Warns a Hamas-Like ‘Army Is Surely Walking Across Biden’s Non-Existent Border Every Day’

Hollywood star James Woods has warned that a Hamas-like army of terrorists is almost certainly walking across President Biden’s open southern border “every day” — echoing fears raised by a growing number of people since Hamas launched its attack on Israel on Saturday.

James Woods noted that in their zeal to blame intelligence failures for the attacks, liberals have failed to recognize that Biden’s open border has put all Americans in harm’s way.

Biden’s open border has allowed millions of illegal aliens to flood the U.S., including thousands of military-age men from hostile countries such as Afghanistan, Iran, and Syria.

As Breitbart News reported, Biden’s Department of Homeland Security has failed to deport more than 99 percent of illegal aliens arriving, according to a report from House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Immigration Subcommittee Chairman Tom McClintock (R-CA).

In his tweet, Woods says:

“Pundits are wailing about intelligence failures that led to the terrorist slaughter perpetrated by Hamas against children and woman. Yet not one liberal apologist has considered that an equivalent silent army is surely walking across Biden’s non-existent border every day.”

See below:

It’s absolutely true. The Biden administration has no idea who these people are or what they intend. It’s a major security risk.

Conservative Actor James Woods Warns a ‘Hamas-Like Army is Silently Crossing Biden’s Open Border Every Day’ Conservative Actor James Woods Warns a ‘Hamas-Like Army is Silently Crossing Biden’s Open Border Every Day’ Reviewed by Your Destination on October 11, 2023 Rating: 5

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