Democratic Congressman Launches Primary Challenge Against President Biden

 Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) announced on Friday that he is running for the Democrat presidential nomination against President Joe Biden because he believes that Biden will lose in 2024.

The 54-year-old had publicly flirted with the idea for months as he has tried to encourage other, more prominent Democrats to jump into the race after saying earlier this year that he planned on running for president one day, but he wasn’t sure if he was ready at this moment in time.

Dean stepped down from his leadership position within the House Democrats over his public calls for others to step up and challenge Biden.

Dean announced during an interview with CBS News that he was now seeking the party’s nomination for president, saying that he could not sit silent anymore about Biden’s poor poll numbers.

He said that his presidential campaign was going to center around four key topics.

“First and foremost, it will be about the economy. We have to make life more affordable for the middle class, which is the issue that voters care about most. We need to bring down the cost of living and make life affordable again,” he said. “As part of making life more affordable, we have to celebrate success. America should be the most prosperous country in the world, and we need to be both pro-business and pro-worker to get there.”

“Second, it will be about safety. If people don’t feel safe in their communities, not much else matters. We have a drug crisis and a mental health crisis in this country; it’s taking a horrible toll on individuals, as well as their communities. We have to address it,” he continued. “Third, my campaign will be about the generational change the country wants and policies that invest in our future, our young people.”


“And finally, it will be about listening to each other to get back to a less divisive political environment. There’s government reform that will help with this too—we need term limits, campaign finance reform, and things like bipartisan cabinets,” he concluded.

Democratic Congressman Launches Primary Challenge Against President Biden Democratic Congressman Launches Primary Challenge Against President Biden Reviewed by Your Destination on October 28, 2023 Rating: 5

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