Dr. Phil Shreds ‘Incredibly Racist’ Elite Universities For ‘Coddling’ Pro-Hamas Students: ‘We Must Call Out These Institutions’

 Dr. Phillip C. McGraw, commonly known as Dr. Phil, slammed woke elite universities for not standing up to extremist student organizations that celebrated Hamas’ terrorist attacks on Israel two weeks ago.

McGraw published a video on X speaking out about the October 7 attacks, which was the bloodiest day for Israel over 75 years.

“The Hamas invaders were not soldiers. They were assassins,” he said. “The Hamas charter calls for the ultimate annihilation of all Israeli Jews, followed by the annihilation of Jews around the world. Sound familiar? Sadly, some people, including some right here in America actually celebrated the slaughter and blame those being murdered, raped and kidnapped.”

“Many of America’s most respected elite universities are not only indulging but actually endorsing sanctioned student organizations holding celebrations for the murders,” he continued. “Harvard, Yale, Georgetown, UCLA, and Stanford are high profile examples that should raise concern if not outrage.”

McGraw said that the reactions of the student groups revealed a “disturbing degree of ivy-covered intellectual rot” at America’s alleged top schools.

“Americans nationwide have been appalled and shocked,” he said. “The leadership of these supposedly highly sophisticated schools are so busy virtue signaling and coddling students who think that words are violence, but violence, horrific, inhumane violence is social justice, that they have forgotten it is their job to teach their students to think and to test reality. Instead of training tomorrow’s leaders, they are profoundly demagnetizing our culture’s moral compass among the college population.”

McGraw that while he was no expert in geopolitics, it only takes basic common sense to recognize Hamas’ attacks as “utterly sick, twisted, disgusting, and inexcusable.”

“You cannot negotiate with people whose only acceptable outcome is to murder you and your entire race,” he continued. “Seriously, have some of these people gotten together and collectively lost their minds? We know right from wrong, and we must stand up for what we believe and know is right. We must call out these institutions. How is any of this acceptable to anyone? How is it not recognized as incredibly racist? How do elite educators not recognize this is a huge teachable moment in the student’s journey?”

“The heads of the schools need to simply say on this campus, we don’t celebrate racism, anti-Semitism, baby killing, and murdering,” he concluded. “What they are doing instead is distancing themselves in hopes it blows over. Israel is our friend and ally. They don’t need us to just be their friend in good times. They need us to be their friend in bad times, to be their friend when it is easier not to be. Good friends are the ones coming in the door when everyone else is going out. This is a really great time to show Israel and the world who we are.”


Dr. Phil Shreds ‘Incredibly Racist’ Elite Universities For ‘Coddling’ Pro-Hamas Students: ‘We Must Call Out These Institutions’ Dr. Phil Shreds ‘Incredibly Racist’ Elite Universities For ‘Coddling’ Pro-Hamas Students: ‘We Must Call Out These Institutions’ Reviewed by Your Destination on October 23, 2023 Rating: 5