Far-Left Activist Greta Thunberg Blasted For ‘Pro-Terrorism,’ Anti-Semitic Post Against Israel

 Far-left climate extremist Greta Thunberg faced backlash on social media for posting imagery that was widely condemned as anti-Semitic and encouraging people to back organizations that support the extermination of Israel while posing in a photo with pro-Palestinian activists.

“Week 270,” Thunberg posted on X. “Today we strike in solidarity with Palestine and Gaza. The world needs to speak up and call for an immediate ceasefire, justice and freedom for Palestinians and all civilians affected.”

Thunberg’s message echoed statements made by Islamic terrorist group Hamas when they launched unprecedented terror attacks against Israel, murdering more than 1,400 Israelis.

People in the photo held signs that said, “Free Palestine” and “Climate Justice Now!” while Thunberg held a sign that said, “Stand With Gaza.” The “Climate Justice Now!” is a reference to far-Left demands to decolonize lands from their supposed oppressors, which in this case, according to the far-Left, is Israel.

Journalist Ian Miles Cheong noted that a light blue stuffed octopus in the photo was a reference to anti-Semitic imagery that has long been used to demonize the Jewish people and the state of Israel.

Thunberg claimed in a follow-up post that she had no idea the stuffed animal in the photo, when combined with expressing support for the group of people who just committed terrorist attacks against Israel, could “be interpreted as a symbol for antisemitism.”

“I was completely unaware…” she claimed, adding that the stuffed animal was used by “autistic people as a way to communicate feelings.”


Thunberg previously wore a shirt expressing support for far-Left Antifa extremists and later, after facing backlash, claimed that she had no idea what the shirt meant and that she did not support violence — even though she previously called for taking political opponents and “put[ting] them against the wall.”

Thunberg reposted the tweet with a different photo that included the hashtag “FridaysForFuture,” a far-Left anti-fossil fuel organization that has called for the elimination of Israel.

Thunberg also urged her millions of followers to follow numerous organizations that have good sounding names, but under the surface are anti-Semitic and in many cases support eliminating Israel, including: Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP)Palestinian Youth MovementJewish Voice for Peace, and IfNotNow.

One of her supporters called her out on Instagram, writing: “Greta, you used to be an inspiration, but now you’re a huge disappointment. I can’t believe you’re pro Terrorism.”

“You didn’t condemn Hamas and Jihad for committing murders and executions of babies, children and innocent people,” the person added.

Even the state of Israel fired back at Thunberg while mocking her: “@GretaThunberg , Hamas doesn’t use sustainable materials for their rockets which have BUTCHERED innocent Israelis . The victims of the Hamas massacre could have been your friends. Speak up.”

Far-Left Activist Greta Thunberg Blasted For ‘Pro-Terrorism,’ Anti-Semitic Post Against Israel Far-Left Activist Greta Thunberg Blasted For ‘Pro-Terrorism,’ Anti-Semitic Post Against Israel Reviewed by Your Destination on October 21, 2023 Rating: 5

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