Intel Committee Chairman Turner: Biden ‘Should Not Be Dictating To Israel’ How It Goes After Hamas

 House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner (R-OH) said during an interview over the weekend that President Joe Biden had no business telling Israel how it should handle its military operations responding to the Palestinian terrorists responsible for murdering more than 1,400 people in Israel two weeks ago.

Turner made the remarks during a Sunday interview with Jake Tapper on CNN’s “State of the Union” while discussing the conflict and some of the hostages that were recently released after Hamas terrorists kidnapped them.

Turner did not divulge what, if anything, the terrorists might have received in exchange for releasing the two American hostages late last week.

“They’re continuing to have negotiations and discussions,” he said. “But what we’re very aware of, which, as you just noted, is, Hamas is a franchise of Iran. The brutal terrorist attacks that have occurred in Israel are going to result in Israel entering into Gaza and in taking this conflict to Hamas itself in order to diminish their ability to continue to threaten Israel.”

“As we see that unfold, certainly, getting humanitarian aid is important, getting the hostages back are important,” he continued. “And as there are opportunities, that those break, certainly, they need to be pursued. But the United States should not be dictating to Israel the prosecution of this conflict. They certainly are on the ground. They know the risks. They know the consequences. And, certainly, the United States supports their efforts to diminish this terrorist threat.”


Intel Committee Chairman Turner: Biden ‘Should Not Be Dictating To Israel’ How It Goes After Hamas Intel Committee Chairman Turner: Biden ‘Should Not Be Dictating To Israel’ How It Goes After Hamas Reviewed by Your Destination on October 23, 2023 Rating: 5