'Biden! Biden!' Migrants cheer for President Biden as thousands approach Arizona-Mexico border

 Migrants in Mexico chanted in favor of President Biden as a caravan of thousands approaches the U.S.-Mexico border at Arizona.

A migrant caravan, reportedly consisting of approximately 7,000 migrants, has made its way into Mexico and is set to arrive just days after footage of the travelers was posted online.

Despite Biden having declared that there would be "consequences for illegal entry," Biden has already requested that Congress "appropriate $1.4 billion to help state and local governments provide shelter and services for migrants," Blaze TV's Sara Gonzales explained.

Gonzales reported on the sea of immigrants heading to the United States by way of the Darién Gap, many of whom are allegedly being led by "Chinese influencers." 

"Crowd of military-aged men in a massive US-bound caravan chant 'BIDEN! BIDEN! BIDEN!'" Muckraker reported on X.

"In Huixtla, Mexico, a caravan of migrants celebrate [Biden] & his enabler [Ruben Gallego] for opening our borders," wrote former gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake. "2,000 miles away, Arizonans brace for the entry of more unvetted immigrants that we cannot feed or house. It doesn’t have to be like this."

"They want your taxpayer dollars to pay for them welcoming these immigrants with open arms," Gonzales continued.

"We can't ask who they are, we can't ask what they're going to do here, what they're going to give to us,” added Pat Gray. "We have to only mention what we're going to do for them."

The Biden administration has already seen record numbers of illegal immigrants cross the southwest land border; 2023 marks the second straight year of all-time highs in border encounters.

Fiscal year 2022 saw 2,378,944 encounters with illegal immigrants, while fiscal year 2023 set a new record at 2,475,669. By comparison, both 2022 and 2023 fiscal years under President Biden saw more border encounters than the entirety of President Trump's term combined.

The last two record-setting years under President Biden even combined for nearly 1.5 million more border encounters than the entire eight years of Barack Obama's presidency, historical data shows.

"President Biden has done more to reopen the border to illegal immigrants and stimulate the human smuggling industry," Republican Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.) said, according to Townhall.

Migrants in the caravan are traveling from across central and South America and even from communist Cuba, the outlet reported. El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, and Venezuela are other countries of origin.

'Biden! Biden!' Migrants cheer for President Biden as thousands approach Arizona-Mexico border 'Biden! Biden!' Migrants cheer for President Biden as thousands approach Arizona-Mexico border Reviewed by Your Destination on November 13, 2023 Rating: 5

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