Latest Presidential Polls: Biden Stumbles Again As Trump Makes More Gains In Primary And General Elections

 President Joe Biden continues his slump of poor polling as his top rival Donald Trump creates more separation in both Republican primary and general election surveys. 

Trump hit a new high this week in the Real Clear Politics average of 2024 general election polls, now leading Biden 47.2% to 44.9%. The 2.3-point difference is the former president’s largest advantage over Biden since May, according to the RCP average. Trump is also posting his highest polling numbers in the GOP primary this week as he stands at 59.8% and holds a 46.3-point lead over the next closest challenger, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. 

In the five most recent polls of a general election rematch between Trump and Biden, Trump leads in all of them and posts a 6-point lead in two surveys. The most recent poll from Emerson puts Trump at 47% to Biden’s 43% in a two-way race, which is a 2-point drop for Biden since the last Emerson poll taken a month ago. Biden also fell two points in the latest survey from The Messenger/Harris X, dropping from 49% to 47% in a matter of weeks as Trump gained two points in the poll, moving from 51% to 53%. 

The most recent Morning Consult poll also showed improvement for Trump and spelled more bad news for Biden. According to two Morning Consult polls taken just a week apart, Trump moved up from 43% to 44% while Biden dropped from 42% to 41%. 


Biden’s dip in the latest polls is coupled with his continued dismal approval ratings as the country faces numerous crises at home and abroad. According to the Real Clear Politics average of the president’s approval numbers, 55.5% of Americans disapprove of Biden’s performance and 40.6% approve. Some Democrats have expressed frustration and concern about the re-election chances of the now 81-year-old commander-in-chief while saying they’re “mystified” by Trump’s resurgence. 

The former president’s climb in the polls comes amid multiple legal battles after Trump was charged with state and federal crimes related to his challenging the 2020 election results and his handling of classified documents after leaving office. 


Trump’s dominance in the GOP primary hasn’t been affected by a thinning Republican field after former Vice President Mike Pence and Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) dropped out of the race in recent weeks. DeSantis is now neck-and-neck with former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, who also served as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. According to the RCP average, DeSantis currently sits at 13.5% while Haley has gained ground on him, now polling at 10.5%. 

Latest Presidential Polls: Biden Stumbles Again As Trump Makes More Gains In Primary And General Elections Latest Presidential Polls: Biden Stumbles Again As Trump Makes More Gains In Primary And General Elections Reviewed by Your Destination on November 23, 2023 Rating: 5