ICE Arrests Over Two Dozen Illegal Immigrant Sexual Predators In Los Angeles

 Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced the arrest of 26 illegal immigrant sexual predators during a three-day operation in Los Angeles last week. 

The operation, carried out by ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operations, was conducted from December 18-20. The crimes committed by the illegal immigrants included crimes against children by individuals from Mexico, El Salvador, and Guatemala. 

“The outcome of this operation exemplifies the professionalism, dedication and commitment of ERO Los Angeles officers to public safety,” said ERO Los Angeles FOD Thomas Giles. “Removing these individuals and the threats they represent from our communities is our mission, and we will continue to safely and effectively enforce the immigration laws of our nation.”

The arrests take place as illegal crossings at the border under President Joe Biden continue to set records, including nearly 250,000 crossings in November. CBP numbers released last week show that they recorded 242,418 encounters last month, the highest November ever and the third highest monthly total overall.

ICE highlighted three individuals taken into custody during the operation, including a 19-year-old from El Salvador convicted of felony sexual forcible oral copulation of a minor over 14 years old and battery by restraint

A 40-year-old from Mexico who was convicted for a felony lewd acts with a child and continuous sexual abuse was also picked up during the operation. A 35-year-old from Guatemala, convicted of felony child molestation in an inhabited dwelling, was also arrested by ICE for removal. 


ICE noted that in fiscal year 2022, it had arrested 46,396 foreign nationals with criminal history, including  individuals with 8,164 sex and sexual assault offenses. The other crimes included 21,531 assault offenses, 5,554 weapons offenses, 1,501 homicide-related offenses, and 1,114 kidnapping offenses.

Last month, 37-year-old Saulo Cardona Ferreira, an illegal immigrant from Brazil convicted of raping a child, was arrested by ICE in Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts.

“This undocumented Brazilian national represented a significant threat to the inhabitants of Martha’s Vineyard. He sexually assaulted a five-year-old child in his homeland and then ran from authorities when held accountable for his actions,” ICE said in a statement. 

Illegal crossings at the U.S.-Mexico border have remained high in December, with reporters being stunned at the number of people entering into the U.S. through Mexico.

ICE Arrests Over Two Dozen Illegal Immigrant Sexual Predators In Los Angeles ICE Arrests Over Two Dozen Illegal Immigrant Sexual Predators In Los Angeles Reviewed by Your Destination on December 26, 2023 Rating: 5

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