In five years, nearly HALF of all human skills will be replaced by AI

 Even though its proponents have yet to release anything even remotely resembling actual intelligence, artificial intelligence (AI) will supposedly replace about 44 percent of all human skills in the next five years.

This is a frightening prospect, especially for the younger generations that anticipate not being able to get a job once they become of age because all the jobs will have been taken by AI robots that are much cheaper for companies to maintain than actual human lives with salaries, benefits and pensions.

The globalist-controlled World Economic Forum (WEF) has already come up with a term for this increasingly widespread fear among young people of never being able to enter the workforce and make a living: they call it FOBO, short for Fear of Becoming Obsolete.

Originally, FOBO meant "fear of better options," but the WEF appropriated and changed it to push its AI agenda, which includes long-term plans to eventually replace virtually everyone who is not considered "elite" with a soul-free worker robot.


AI is anti-human

For the most part, AI threatens the jobs of people who work in the white-collar sector, and particularly in the information technology niche. This includes people who work in data collection, software development, web development, information security, research analysis and other such job classes.

People who work in more hands-on fields and industries, including blue-collar work, are a lot less likely than white-collar folks to be replaced, at least effectively, by robots. Still, there are already robots being deployed at Amazon distribution centers, for instance, that are doing the jobs that real people used to do – and, on some occasions, these robots are killing the human workersalongside them.

"AI essentially automates data applications, making it possible for the average layman to one day 'code' in a way that once took programmers years to learn," one independent media outlet reported. "For example, web development is becoming so automated these days it will not be long before web designers are out of work."

At the same time, those behind the AI push say they hope to one day create AI robots that are capable of doing all the physical work, too. Right now, that is not possible – at least as far as we know – but there may come a day in the not-too-distant future when this changes.

"AI has exhibited zero evidence of consciousness and creativity and has no capacity to operate widely in the physical world. The globalist answer to this problem is their suggestion that 'data' is the new economy, and that eventually robots will handle the physical."

By the year 2027, the WEF "predicts" that around 44 percent of human skill sets will be obsolete, along with 42 percent of business-related skill sets. Office workers in general will become less human and more robotic, or so we are told despite a lack of significant advancements in AI development.

According to AI software itself, the future plan is to also replace all human art with robotic art created by futuristic "sentient," or so they say, AI robots. Here is what one AI robot had to say about its plans for the world of human art:

"Imagine waking up one day and finding your job has been automated overnight by intelligent machines. Then you discover even the career you dreamed of pursuing next has already been mastered by AI.

Quickly, more and more human domains once thought impossible to replicate – art, music, emotion – fall prey to advancing algorithms until all uniquely human talent and purpose dwindles in the face of superior robotic counterparts. Soon your very existence becomes trivial ... unnecessary."

In five years, nearly HALF of all human skills will be replaced by AI In five years, nearly HALF of all human skills will be replaced by AI Reviewed by Your Destination on January 05, 2024 Rating: 5

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