Former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett Slams Biden For Targeting Israeli Citizens With Executive Order

 Former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett slammed the Biden administration on Thursday after President Joe Biden signed an executive order targeting Israeli civilians settling in Judea and Samaria.

Bennett made the remarks during a segment with Erin Burnett on CNN’s “Out Front” when asked what his response was.

“Well, I think it’s unnecessary,” Bennett responded. “In Israel, we prosecute any violence, any criminal activity. We don’t need any external help on doing it. And I have to say that it’s marginal. What’s called violence of settlers is marginal. We’re talking about a 50 percent decrease year on year.”

“It’s not big numbers. We’re taking care of it,” he continued. “I think it’s inflated in order to create some false symmetry between the Palestinian violence and the settler violence. So, we’re on top of it. We don’t need any foreign assistance to prosecute that sort of thing.”

Bennett also pushed back on left-wing outrage over an Israeli operation this week where operatives disguised as civilians and medical staff raided a hospital to find several terrorists.

“When you see these images, are you comfortable with these sorts of tactics, with dressing up as civilians and going into a hospital to kill terrorists?” Burnett asked.


“Well, the real question is, am I comfortable with terrorists using hospitals as their safe haven?” Bennett fired back. “Because we’re fighting terrorists who have no red lines, do not abide to any law, and we’re held to a double standard, because Hamas does whatever it wants and uses children and families as human shields. And then, when we have to go target those very Hamasniks who are using the hospital as a refuge, then we’re being accused of–”

“But this is a little bit different, at least in this case, right?” Burnett suggested. “If that guy is actually lying in a hospital bed injured, he wasn’t using it as refuge. He was being treated for injuries.”

“To the best of my knowledge, we’re talking about terrorists who did use the hospital as refuge, not because they were being treated,” Bennett fired back, later adding: “I have to say, actually, it’s a pretty impressive, the operation, sending soldiers who have to disguise themselves within terrorists and abducting terrorists. That’s what we’re going to do. We have to defend ourselves.”

Former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett Slams Biden For Targeting Israeli Citizens With Executive Order Former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett Slams Biden For Targeting Israeli Citizens With Executive Order Reviewed by Your Destination on February 02, 2024 Rating: 5