‘Not Afraid To Die’: James O’Keefe Unveils New Sting Video Featuring White House Official

 James O’Keefe released new video Wednesday from a sting operation in which he talked to a White House official who offered insight into private White House deliberations about myriad issues concerning President Joe Biden and the 2024 election, including the mental decline of the president and widespread dissatisfaction with Vice President Kamala Harris.

The guerrilla journalist said he met with Charlie Kraiger, a cybersecurity policy analyst and Foreign Affairs desk officer in the Executive Office at the White House, earlier this month while “under cover” with his hair dyed and fake eye glasses. The two were at a restaurant in the Washington, D.C. area, with drinks on the table on what appears to have been premised as a date.

“Not only did he not recognize me, he sang like a bird,” O’Keefe said in presenting his roughly 13-minute video published to X on Wednesday.

He also noted that Kraiger had begun to scrub his social media footprint after their meet-up, although a LinkedIn page with his name was still active as of press time showing employment in the Executive Office of the President since December 2020 and prior experience working at the State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development.

Cameras that captured their conversation appeared to have been positioned with a group sitting a couple tables away and on O’Keefe’s wrist. In response to questioning by O’Keefe, Kraiger acknowledged concerns about Biden’s mental health and suggested that Vice President Kamala Harris is being kept on as his 2024 running mate because of her sex and race despite low approval numbers.

Asked by O’Keefe if Biden will indeed end up being the nominee, Kraiger said, “Yes, and [Kamala Harris] will be the vice president nominee,” adding, “There was a debate about removing her from the ticket, but sadly they didn’t.”

“She’s not popular, but you can’t remove the first black lady to be vice president from the godd*mn presidential ticket,” said Kraiger. “Like what kind of message are you going to send to like African-American voters? How would you spin that? People would be like what the f***? Like she’s a woman and she’s multiracial.”

When O’Keefe pressed Kraiger about Biden suffering from what O’Keefe described as “dementia,” Kraiger said, “He’s definitely slowing down.”

“I think they need to get rid of him or her,” Kraiger said. “But no one in modern history has ever said, like, ‘We’re not going to renominate the president for a second term.’”

Kraiger also talked about being an intern in the White House, which appears to have been in 2011, and overhearing a discussion in which then-first lady Michelle Obama was asked if she would ever run for office. He said the First Lady “emphatically” responded with disinterest because of what she witnessed her husband, President Barack Obama, go through.

The end of the video report shows the moment when O’Keefe took off his glasses and revealed his identity. He then pressed Kraiger to answer the question of what sort of message is sent to the American people that a cybersecurity-focused official was speaking with the founder of Project Veritas, known for its sting hits.

Although Kraiger insisted, “We’re running a good cyber security operation,” O’Keefe fired back, asking whether Kraiger did his research before the meet-up and what kind of “clown show” is being run at the White House.

O’Keefe teased a follow-up report for Thursday showing him continuing to confront Kraiger outside.


O’Keefe parted ways with Project Veritas amid a clash with the board of directors last year and went on to found another operation called O’Keefe Media Group (OMG).

In posts to X earlier this week meant to advertise part 2 of his “DC SWAMP EXPOSED” series and gin up support for OMG, O’Keefe said he was “not suicidal” but also “not afraid to die” while talking about how it was time for people to “raise the stakes” with 2024 just getting started.

‘Not Afraid To Die’: James O’Keefe Unveils New Sting Video Featuring White House Official ‘Not Afraid To Die’: James O’Keefe Unveils New Sting Video Featuring White House Official Reviewed by Your Destination on February 01, 2024 Rating: 5