Phil Labonte Points Out Liberal’s Rude Behavior At Work, Prompting Epic Mental Breakdown You Just Have To Read

 All That Remains frontman Phil Labonte caused YouTube streamer Destiny to have a totally unjustified and hilarious hypocritical mental breakdown Wednesday on Twitter, and you just have to read it to believe it.

Destiny, who is apparently famous (though this is the first I’ve ever heard of him), told Twitter that he is essentially too famous for anyone, even people extremely more famous than him, and therefore no one should distract him while he’s in his safe space (I’m paraphrasing). Specifically, Destiny’s total mental breakdown came after Labonte claimed “Destiny is the only person that was a guest on Timcast that was not polite and friendly when I met them.”

Labonte is a consultant and regular co-host on Timcast, one of the most popular programs in modern America. He’s also got seven gold records and two platinum for his work in All That Remains, and has literally written songs that people use as the first dance at their weddings, and even for lyrical tattoos.

But Destiny replied, “Have I ever even met you before? I’ve been friendly with literally every single person I’ve met off that show, in person. I’ve shot hoops with people who were on the show, and I even did a spontaneous show with another guy (Seamus Coughlin) while I went one time.” Destiny spoke way too soon, and his hypocrisy in future tweets is *chefs kiss.*

“Yeah, I wouldn’t expect you to remember. You weren’t overtly rude or anything. You were on the couch in the green room I came up, smiled, introduced myself, n put my hand out to shake your hand,” Labtone noted. “You looked up from your phone n said ‘oh, hi’ and shook my hand a little dismissively n looked back at your phone. I didn’t say you insulted me. Just you weren’t friendly.”

Apparently, Labonte’s response pissed off Destiny a lot and he became absolutely unleashed in the worst way possible. Destiny decided to go on a multi-paragraph rant about how he is “talent” and “[if] talent is in a green room, AND they’re on their phone, ‘common courtesy’ would not be to walk up to the person and start a conversation.”

Clearly, this Destiny kid has never spent time with an actual famous person in a real green room, ever. And if he has, he’s the most unobservant person in the history of the world. The green room is not a “safe space” for so-called famous people. “Green room” is a throwaway term given to a box on set where you can store your shit and hang out with friends before doing your job, which is to entertain people. 

But bless Destiny’s lil heart, he thinks managing his social media, scheduling stuff on his phone, researching stuff and doing whatever he wants for himself, is more important than being a nice person with a reputation for not being a massive diva. And just because he admitted to being a diva, it doesn’t make his behavior any less bizarre and extremely cringe.

“Destiny has recently been on Lex Friedman and Ben Shapiro. His star is on the rise and he’s become a famous guy in the political/podcast world. So this is all new to him. I understand. I was newly famous 20 years ago,” Labonte told the Daily Caller in an exclusive comment. “The first time I was in a green room was the year Destiny was born.”

People who’ve really made it in this industry (and I mean really, really made it) are the first to admit that if they lose their jobs today, they’d be replaced by Friday, and forgotten by Monday. Contrary to popular belief, nice people do go further and have far more longevity in their careers than divas. And yes, I am a hypocrite in this sense too, but I never said I wanted a career.

Phil Labonte Points Out Liberal’s Rude Behavior At Work, Prompting Epic Mental Breakdown You Just Have To Read Phil Labonte Points Out Liberal’s Rude Behavior At Work, Prompting Epic Mental Breakdown You Just Have To Read Reviewed by Your Destination on February 15, 2024 Rating: 5

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