U.S. Senators Overwhelmingly Condemn Putin For Navalny’s Death

 U.S. Senators stood in solidarity on Friday in condemning Russian President Vladimir Putin for the death of opposition leader Alexei Navalny in a remote Arctic prison.

Navalny, a frequent critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin, was in prison after being convicted on charges of “extremism” and sentenced to 19 years. Russia’s Federal Penitentiary Service said that Navalny felt sick after going on a walk, and soon after, lost consciousness and died.

Senate Republican Conference Chairman John Barrasso (R-WY) posted on X: “Putin’s regime is pure evil. Putin’s cronies murdered Alexei Navalny for having the courage to stand up for freedom.”

“The death of Alexei Navalny is yet another heartbreaking reminder of who Vladimir Putin is: a bloodthirsty tyrant who thinks he can get away with anything,” said Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Mark Warner (D-VA). “It’s another reason why we must continue to stand with the cause of freedom in opposition to Putin’s brutality.”

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) wrote: “Alexei Navalny died as he lived: a champion of the Russian people and a brave voice of dissent in Vladimir Putin’s Russia. President Biden pledged ‘devastating’ consequences should Navalny die in prison; now he must follow through. America can’t afford another erased red line.”

“Putin is a bully and attempting to send a chilling effect to his opponents and the world. His aggression stems from a simple fact: he is paranoid and a coward,” said Sen. Roger Wicker (R-MS). “This announcement comes as world leaders are convening today to discuss how to confront Russia. Putin has proven he will stop at nothing to silence opposition voices. We will not be deterred from our commitments and if anything, this murderous regime strengthens our resolve. We will not stop calling for the release of Vladimir Kara-Murza and others still falsely imprisoned.”

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) posted on X: “I urge all elected officials/political leaders to denounce Putin’s killing of a political foe. It’s contrary to what America stands for FREEDOM we ought to be unified against Putin & his cronies”

Navalny had been sentenced to prison in 2021 after returning to Moscow from Germany, where he was undergoing treatment for poisoning from a nerve agent that was blamed on the Kremlin. The Kremlin has denied any responsibility for his poisoning, but United States intelligence officials have said they believe Russia was responsible.


Navalny frequently faced criminal charges during his career in Russian politics, which he said were motivated because of his opposition to Putin. Navalny founded the Anti-Corruption Foundation, which was dissolved in Russia in 2021, to expose corruption by high-ranking Russian officials and challenge the United Russia Party’s control over the country’s political system.

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U.S. Senators Overwhelmingly Condemn Putin For Navalny’s Death U.S. Senators Overwhelmingly Condemn Putin For Navalny’s Death Reviewed by Your Destination on February 17, 2024 Rating: 5

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