Missouri AG Calls For 15-Year-Old To Be Tried As An Adult After Vicious Attack

 Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey called for a 15-year-old girl to be charged as an adult after video of her went viral this week showing her viciously beating another girl.

The St. Louis County Police Department reportedly got a call about a fight around 2:30 p.m. on Friday and when they arrived on scene, they discovered the victim with a severe head injury. The victim was transferred to a nearby hospital where she remains in critical condition, according to her mother.

“This evil and complete disregard for human life has no place in Missouri, or anywhere,” said Attorney General Andrew Bailey. “I am praying for the victim. The criminal should be charged and tried as an adult. If the victim dies, that offense should rise to a homicide.”

The footage shows a black girl, who appears to have a significant size advantage, throw a white girl on the ground and start to viciously beat in the victim’s face with her fist.

The victim tries to get away from the attacker, but the attacker grabs her on the ground and throws her on her back against the pavement. At that point, the attacker grabs the girl’s shoulders and repeatedly slams her head into the pavement, causing life threatening injuries, as other individuals stand around and watch and record the attack with their cell phones.

A GoFundMe page that was set up for the victim by a local family friend on Tuesday afternoon said that the victim had a fractured skull, frontal lobe damage, and major brain bleeding. The organizer didn’t immediately respond to a Daily Wire inquiry.

The Hazelwood School District — which has reportedly focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives in recent years — released a statement about the attack.


“It is a tragedy anytime children are hurt,” the school district said. “Bullying and fighting in the community is an issue for which we all need to take ownership and work towards a resolution for the sake of our children. The Hazelwood School District offers our sincerest condolences to everyone involved, and will offer additional emotional support from our support and crisis team to those in need.”

“We look forward to continuing to partner with our community for the sake of our children,” the statement continued. “Please be kind and respectful of the families involved during this difficult time and pledge to help work toward the betterment of our entire community.”

Missouri AG Calls For 15-Year-Old To Be Tried As An Adult After Vicious Attack Missouri AG Calls For 15-Year-Old To Be Tried As An Adult After Vicious Attack Reviewed by Your Destination on March 13, 2024 Rating: 5