Woman Charged with Rioting After Philly Looting Gets Slap on Wrist, While Jan 6 Inmates Rot in Prison

 There are countless numbers of individuals who merely entered the Capitol on January 6, 2021, who have had the book thrown at them simply out of symbolism and liberal spite.

“Meatball,” however, is now a free woman. Who is she, you ask? She’s the “influencer” and star of the reality TV show “Baddies Caribbean” who pleaded guilty to playing a role in a looting spree that went city-wide in Philadelphia back in September.

Her punishment? According to WTXF-TV, five years probation, along with 150 hours of community service and a fine. Actual slaps on the wrist have left more indelible marks.

“Meatball” — driver’s license name Dayjia Blackwell — was one of dozens arrested after WTXF reported in September that “a large group of people, including many juveniles, terrorized several sections of Philadelphia during an hours-long crime spree that spanned from Tuesday night into Wednesday morning.”

The station noted that it had “obtained video of the ransacked Apple Store with iPhones and iPads scattered across the display tables. [WTXF reporter Steve] Keeley reports that many of the stolen Apple products were left behind when the thieves realized the device’s anti-theft technology rendered them inactive.”

Blackwell, 21 at the time of her arrest, apparently helped police nab the suspects, as police say her livestreams helped them track those responsible down.

“The stream followed looters from a state liquor store to Lululemon to the Center City Apple Store,” WTXF noted. “As the store is being ransacked, the stream showed stolen iPhones and iPads sounding an alarm with an anti-theft system.”

“Blackwell is alleged to have used her social media platform to encourage people to engage in criminal activities at those locations, and is alleged to have engaged in criminal activities herself,” the district attorney’s office said in a statement, according to WCAU-TV.

In fact, the mayor said that she played a significant inciting role in the riot due to her social media presence.

“[She was] livestreaming the whole thing, wound up with 12,000 followers and created, basically incited, the riot,” then-Mayor Jim Kenney said.

In the videos, she kept on urging followers to loot stores, saying they could get “free iPhones.” The riot was sparked, apparently, by the dismissal of charges against a cop who shot and killed a man during a traffic stop. Those charges have since been reinstated, although a livestream of a riot advertising an opportunity to get a 100 percent discount on an iPhone does not, indeed, seem to have been a social justice tactic.

Nor, in fact, does the defendant seem to have learned from this, at least all that much.

The judge noted that the defendant had worn a necklace that said “Baddies” on it into court during sentencing Thursday and said he hoped the next time she was before him, the necklace would say “Goodie.”

“Blackwell revealed that the necklace was in reference to the reality TV show ‘Baddies Caribbean’ in which she appears on during its current season five. Blackwell also said she was recently on a trip for the show,” the station reported.

In addition to the five years probation for charges of criminal conspiracy, criminal mischief, riot, and disorderly conduct, reported the now-22-year-old Blackwell must complete her community service and pay $10,000 in fines.

“Meatball,” in other words, helped incite a riot and encouraged others to loot, steal and commit mayhem. Five months probation. A bunch of January 6 protesters who basically were ushered into the Capitol by law enforcement acting as matadors waving them by, and who did little but commit chaos tourism, will rot in prison for months, if not years, for the act.

Who caused more harm? Democrats will talk in hushed tones about the horrible things these protesters did to our “hollowed democracy” … as if the progressive protesters who did roughly the same thing were exempt from causing this damage. They’ll try to play up the non-existent danger these people caused, even if they weren’t part of any riot.

But “Meatball,” who seems particularly unrepentant and actively encouraged this carnage? Probation. A fine. And more fame to her name. These are liberal values in action, ladies and gentlemen.

Welcome to our two-track justice system.

Woman Charged with Rioting After Philly Looting Gets Slap on Wrist, While Jan 6 Inmates Rot in Prison Woman Charged with Rioting After Philly Looting Gets Slap on Wrist, While Jan 6 Inmates Rot in Prison Reviewed by Your Destination on June 22, 2024 Rating: 5

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